Midlands, England
Oh Dear, you're right. And Christmas is a serious thing. It could be a "discreto" moment- sorry I don't remember how to say this in English - full of respect and silence and semplicity (well, not only on Christmas time).
Personally I dislike so much those people who buy buy buy a lot of gifts and eat eat eat a lot of food on that period. "Ehi, it's only Christmas, not a challenge" and Jesus was born poor and in a cave.
I was chatting with my dad earlier and he want's to have Christmas on his own this year, he doesn't want us to think him rude or unsociable but it is about getting cold driving for about half an hour, then later driving back and getting cold again. I told him I fully understand his reasoning and he isn't legally obliged to come to, he does as he chooses, besides he could always invite someone to his if he wants to. I don't like the idea of him being on his own so hopefully he will invite someone but at the end of the day it is solely his choice.