Think vegetables

16 Oct 2012
Local time
5:55 AM
I found this website when I was trawling for some seasonal vegetable recipes. There's just about everything there you need to know about vegetables, including recipes and nutrients. I spent a happy half an hour or so just pottering on the site, so I thought some of you here might like the link.

Do you have a favourite vegetable-based website?
They're looking very sad right now, but very soon, the cavolo nero plants will be producing huge amounts of the most wonderful sprouts you can imagine. It's why it's worth nurturing them and protecting them from the caterpillars and slugs for months! You don't get it in the shops and it's better than most purple sprouting broccoli.
..Do you have a favourite vegetable-based website?

Being almost vegan, I think I shall be more awkward than normal and select 2 veg, though technically one of them is not a vegetable...

Home grown mushrooms. I used to be able to buy a kit that was in a large water tight bag the size of a half height black rubbish bin (prior to wheelie bins). The field mushrooms from that were the most amazing flavour mushrooms ever and I could pick them at whatever size I wanted to. Unfortuantely the company went out of business and the options now for homegrown mushrooms are not great - few have anywhere near enough mulch in them to support excellent mushrooms.

Home grown heritage potatos. At our last home we had a huge veg plot and used to also grow potatoes in containers. I would grown our entire year's supply of potatos (usually well over 100kg) of heritage potatoes. Our favourites included Shetland Black and pretty much anything that did not look like a standard potatoe. T&M did a heritage potatoe pack where you could get 10 seed potatoes of 6 varieties for much cheaper than you would expect.

So my favouirte vegetable website is probably a seed catelogue site!
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