Toaster Oven


15 Nov 2014
Local time
8:08 AM
I bought a new toaster over last month and I haven't used my oven since. I actually hate my oven now. I have come to learn how convenient a toaster oven is, especially when just cooking for 2 people. Does anyone else here use their toaster oven more then their actual oven??
I once had a toaster oven, but that is not the case anymore, since it eventually stopped working; I need to buy a new one. Anyway, the toaster oven was mostly used for warming up or defrosting food. We also used it for toasting bread at times. It was never used for cooking or baking anything...the bigger oven was always used for this purpose. I think the main oven would hold the bigger dishes better, but if it is just a small dish of something, then the toaster oven would be more convenient. I think the toaster oven would pull quite a bit of electricity though.
Toaster ovens are the best! I've used a few when I've stayed with friends and you do have to watch things as they cook pretty fast. I love them to reheat pizza or to make a quick snack or warm up a burrito. I have also burnt toast in it because the bread was frozen and the water didn't work so well with the heat, but my friend didn't know how to use the oven properly. Reading the instruction manual is important!
My mother has one and we used to use it a lot for baked potatoes because it requires less electricity. I have never had one of my own and consequently have never made myself a baked potato because I can't afford to run the oven very much. In fact the only times I bake are when I can plan to bake one thing after another and then freeze them all in small portions. Otherwise I just can't do it because it will raise my electric bill too much. If I had a toaster oven I would bake more often. But I don't have a place to put one, so little counter space here.
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