Trimmed veg or 'as it comes' veg


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
8:48 PM
SE Australia
I was wondering. In the UK, it is possible to trimmed or untrimmed veg.

An example (Fine Green Beans).


There is even a version where both the top and the tails are trimmed!

  1. Untrimmed in a 500g packet are £3 (£6/kg)
  2. Untrimmed in a 280g packet are £2.00 (£7.15/kg)
  3. Trimmed (just bottoms) in a 200g packet are £1.60 (£8/kg)
  4. Trimmed (top and tail) in a 120g packet are £1.50 (£12.50/kg)

I would naturally purchase the completely untrimmed beans, the same for all veg. But my husband will purchase the third option where someone/thing had trimmed the beans for him despite the fact that the end will have 'healed' and in my view need trimming again!

The same applies to sugar snaps, baby corn, and various other veg including carrots, potatoes and the like where they have already been chopped and prepared for you!

Which would you buy?
Fine beans I trim the the stalk bit off only ,mange tout comes in boxes and they are prepped at source,I buy no prepared veg and never have
Peeling bags of carrots and pots is done quicker than you think,
And cutting 20 litres of chips takes minutes
Sadly, I have no farmers' market near me, but a friend of mine does and he always manages to get lots of oddly-shaped vegetables that they sell at a cheaper price than the 'nicely-shaped' ones. It has always struck me as strange, but lots of people want vegetables that 'look right'. I don't care what they look like - I just want them to taste nice.
I've never understood pre-prepared and packaged vegetables at all. Why pay out all that extra cash for something you can do yourself in a minute?

What really gets my goat though, is the onions in Tesco. They sell a net bag of 3 onions for £1. Out of interest, I put one of these nets on the self-service scale to see how much they would be if they were loose. They weighed in at 49p. Tesco are charging people for the net bag alone!

Always buy loose!
Luckily, I have a very good local fruit and veg shop where nothing is pre-packed or messed about with. A good deal of the produce is grown locally as well. When it comes to tropical fruit (not easily grown in Scotland), I always try to buy Fairtrade stuff. When I worked in Ghana, I heard first-hand accounts of how producers were ripped off and I determined at that moment that I would always try to buy Fairtrade fruit.
What really gets my goat though, is the onions in Tesco. They sell a net bag of 3 onions for £1. Out of interest, I put one of these nets on the self-service scale to see how much they would be if they were loose. They weighed in at 49p. Tesco are charging people for the net bag alone!
It's the same in every supermarket. If you buy a bag of veg, even in seethrough plastic packaging it costs more than the same veg being sold loose. Packaged items all have a sell by date. Loose veg don't have a sell by date and they usually last longer when stored at home than anything trimmed or and packaged .

I only buy loose untrimmed vegetables, unless there are bagged/trimmed vegetables in the reduced section, where there are almost always some at half price or less - (reduced to as little as 10p on a Sunday afternoon at ASDA).

Cut and trimmed vegetables go off very quickly inside plastic packaging, so I won't buy them even at half price when I can see they are already going brown or mushy.
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