Update on my little one's eating!


14 Apr 2015
Local time
1:57 AM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
So a few months ago, I asked about how I should approach feeding my little one, now that she was starting on normal foods.

I'm happy to say she's a BIG eater! We went with the approach that quite a few of you suggested, that we should just get her used to eating what we do. Tonight, she has some shredded grilled chicken, corn, olives, mozzarella cheese and a cut up savory muffin which has a bunch of veggies in it (loads of spinach - gotta sneak those greens in somewhere, right?!)

Her favorite by far though are the olives - she's MAD about them. Any time I put food on her tray, she's all over the olives first...and that struck me as a little unusual!

But yes - all in all, I'm super happy with how much she eats and the variety of foods she's having too. At this stage she seems to be pretty prepared to try most foods - which is nice!
That is awesome. It is always great when they are good little eaters and are willing to try most anything. It sure makes things easier. It is funny that she loved the olives. Those are one of those things that you either hate them or love them.
That is awesome. It is always great when they are good little eaters and are willing to try most anything. It sure makes things easier. It is funny that she loved the olives. Those are one of those things that you either hate them or love them.

I couldn't stand them as a kid! I love them now as an adult, but when I was a kid I just thought they were one of the most awful foods out! Same with my husband - hated them as a kid but likes them as an adult! We just thought it was funny that she was so keen on them since it seems a lot of little ones don't like them at all!

It sure does make it easier with her being pretty open to trying things - I hope that it carries on into toddlerhood!
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Congratulations on your daughter's eating habit. As per the nutritionist I know, it is important to rear a child in good eating habits starting in the toddler years. Forcing is not the way but persuasion particularly with the vegetables. But as another nutritionist said, there are tricks on how to make vegetables appealing to children. Milk is another problem since toddlers wouldn't want to drink in the glass. The simple solution is to add chocolate powder so it becomes milk chocolate drink. That would do the trick.
Great to hear Cupcakechef. I had to baby sit once or twice and I was so impressed by what the mom of my nephew brought.
The meal was filled with veggies and my nephew ate it all. The olives is interesting as I know several adults who won't go near them. Good for you two. Start them off right.
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