Utensils affect taste


9 Sep 2013
Local time
4:43 PM
The chopstick thread reminded me of an article I read that discussed how different materials and textures of the utensils we use to eat can affect the flavours of the food. They mostly discussed various metals, wood, and plastic. They made the great point that you are 'eating' some of the utensil as well, minute amounts, but enough to chemically affect the food and therefore it's flavor.

I couldn't find the original article, but I found one that is just as interesting; the color and weight of the utensils affect our perceptions as well;

that is accurate information. i only use silver. wood, plastic, anything else is bothersome. i've used the same silverware for 15 years or so and would never deviate. it absolutely does impact how the food tastes. great post above.
that is accurate information. i only use silver. wood, plastic, anything else is bothersome. i've used the same silverware for 15 years or so and would never deviate. it absolutely does impact how the food tastes. great post above.

Interesting. We had some silver plate silverware when I was little. I still vividly remember the look, feel, and taste of it. I didn't dislike it but I'm not sure I would go with it as an adult, but maybe sterling would be better.
Interesting. Now I think about it, I've always felt that eating off a wooden spoon was special, but I think it's more that I associate it with eating out of the saucepan, and a bit naughty!
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