Vegan Chocolates & Ice-cream to die for - Booja Booja


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
3:12 PM
SE Australia
OK, another post has just reminded to me to post up the very best vegan chocolates I know.
A company called Booja Booja.

My favourites are the hazelnut crunch and the Raspberry Ecuadorian.

They also do a stunningly fantastic ice-cream range including "hunky punky chocolate" which is amazing - though useless to anyone allergic to nuts, but good for gluten free, soya free and dairy free,

If you though Blacks & Green, Häagen-Dazs or Ben's and Jerry's were good, this leaves them all standing and is vegan (and some of the range is Raw as well).

No-one I have served this ice-cream to has any idea it is vegan until I eat it...
Ho ho ho! It appears there's a stockist within a mile or so of me!

(Night Train is lactose intolerant, so icecream is a no no - although we've recently discovered Swedish Glace which is nice.)

Is it very expensive? That's the main problem with substitutes like this, the whopping cost compared to the 'normal' stuff.
Expensive - probably. They are a treat when ill/birthday/christmas then its OK.
I think a tub of ice-cream sells around the £6.50-£7.50 mark thankfully that is the same size as the other brands above but it tastes so much better than even the dairy ice-creams and leaves Swedish Glace hands down. The chocolates vary in sizes so vary in price from a small 2 chocolate 'sampler' at around £1.69 to 9 chocs for around the £7-8 mark to a 20 chocolate size at around £16.99... Watch out for the Easter Eggs though, there are 2 sizes and the small size only contains 3 chocies, it is the paper mache hand painted egg you pay for there.
Oh my god- the cashew nut vanilla ice cream is gorgeous - nutty and vanillary. I love it but it is pretty pricey at £7.50 for a tub.
I was given the chocolates for a Christmas present one year and they really are lovely and the little easter egg this year.

I'd agree, the ice cream beats the Swedish Glace hands down...but you do pay a hefty price tag! I tried some soya, nut and dairy free ice cream the other week- it was made out of rice and I forget what it is now but it wasn't that good- smelt nicer than it tasted but fundamentally was like having frozen sugar water :o_o:
Yikes! That'll have to be quite a treat then.

(£7.50 is not far short of what I spend on a weeks meals for myself!)
Yikes! That'll have to be quite a treat then.
(£7.50 is not far short of what I spend on a weeks meals for myself!)

probably explains why the last time I had it was April 2012! Like I said Christmas is coming up, along with my 40th birthday and our 16th wedding anniversary all within 5 days. Shame I don't plan to be anywhere where we could buy some!
probably explains why the last time I had it was April 2012! Like I said Christmas is coming up, along with my 40th birthday and our 16th wedding anniversary all within 5 days. Shame I don't plan to be anywhere where we could buy some!
It is horrendously expensive isn't it?!
Nothing quite like it, I've tried these flavours, coconut, chocolate, vanilla and they are sublime. Shame they're so pricey!

You can taste that they're not dairy but they are so good texture and taste wise that it's not an issue.

I wish I had some now!:(
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