Recipe Vegetable Curry Soup


4 Dec 2012
Local time
4:43 PM
Vegetable Curry Soup.
1 litre of Home-made Vegetable stock (left over from the stock used to make Nettle soup)
4 carrots Peeled and diced.
2 small Parsnips, peeled and diced.
1 Piece of Swede, about 1 cm thick, peeled and diced.
3 Spring onions finely sliced.
1 slice of Red Onion, about 0.5 cm thick, peeled, sliced, and diced.
1 Heaped teaspoon of Medium Curry Powder; Although I can handle hot Curries and Chillies, I much prefer to be able to taste all of the flavours behind the spice.
1 level teaspoon of ground Coriander.
1/2 teaspoon of ground white pepper.
2 level tablespoons dried, split Chickpeas.
2 level tablespoons dried orange Lentils.
2 Level tablespoons dried soup mix of pulses and grains
1 litre water.
Sling it all into a saucepan, bring to the boil, turn down to a simmer. Cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
For the thickening Roux;
50g Butter or Margarine, and 2 heaped teaspoons of Cornflour.
In a separate pan, melt the butter or Margarine, add the cornflour, and stir into a smooth roux. Add the roux to the main pan whilst still simmering and stir for a few minutes until thickened.
Serve in a pre-warmed bowl with some bread.

Approx. 1 litre of pre-made and frozen Vegetable stock, going into the pan to be thawed out.

Add the Dried Chickpeas, lentils and soup mix.


Add the Curry powder, Ground Coriander, and ground Black Pepper.


The peeled Vegetables prior to dicing.


Everything sliced and diced and ready to go.


Simmering away nicely. The second Saucepan ready and waiting with the margarine to make the thickening Roux

Note that my pan of soup boiled over while I was reading another post here on cooking for engineers. Now, what is it they say about a watched pot not boiling?
Well, an unwatched pot does, and it boils over! :D :D :D


I can't tell you how good this tasted. Now it's time for a few bottles of chilled Perry. :D

This is amazing and exactly the kind of dish I would make! I love having pictures to reference as well. I also absolutely love curry and always look for more ways to cook beans. I'm not sure I have ever heard of swede before? I would just personally omit the coriander and butter/margarine, so I would need to find a different thickening agent. I think sweet potato would also work nicely in this recipe. Thanks so much for posting this, I'm legitimately going to make this later in the week. My mom has a terrible cold so this is a pretty convenient time to make soup. I'll let you know how it goes!
This is amazing and exactly the kind of dish I would make! I love having pictures to reference as well. I also absolutely love curry and always look for more ways to cook beans. I'm not sure I have ever heard of swede before? I would just personally omit the coriander and butter/margarine, so I would need to find a different thickening agent. I think sweet potato would also work nicely in this recipe. !
Swede is a type of turnip, not available everywhere. I find that if I put a diced sweet potato in soup, it thickens and flavours it at the same time. I think it would work really well with this recipe. I'd also put some cauliflower in this.
This soup sounds nice but I can see its a lot of chopping and ingrediants, l'd have to have a whole day free to cook this:)
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