Warehouse VS grocery store


16 Nov 2014
Local time
11:19 AM
Washington, USA
For those of you that have club warehouse store memberships for Costco or some chain that is similar, I find that you can save a ton of money on purchases if you buy the right foods. I like to buy granola bars, cereal, and stuff like that at Costco because you get a lot more food for buying in bulk than you would at the regular grocery store. These items have a long shelf life, so we will eat through the whole box of 60 granola bars and stuff that you get.

I tend to buy most of my fresh food from the grocery store so that none of it goes to waste. I find that the warehouse size of things like yogurt or fruits and veggies are just too much food. There are somethings that you can freeze, but not all. What do you buy at the warehouse stores or vice versa at the grocery store?
Me personally I stick to supermarkets,even at work I don't bulk buy our suppliers do split cases,I've always had a trade cash and carry card,but can't say I've ever used it ,but Costco have a few shops in the UK now and I know they have a ever increasing foot fall
In my experience warehouse stores only save you money if you buy a lot of packages food or you have a very large freezer and can freeze large amounts of meat to eat over a long period. I don't have a big freezer and eat almost no packaged food at all so it wouldn't save me anything since the bulk prices at grocery stores for dry grains and beans are really good. I also do not have easy transportation to any warehouse store where I live unless you count BiMart.
Every once in awhile we will find a really good price on a large cut of meat at the warehouse stores, that's when we really save money, but only because my husband once worked as a butcher's apprentice so he's able to bring it home and cut it up into smaller freezable portions.
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