We rarely dine out but,,,

Dive Bar Casanova

Senior Member
9 Mar 2019
Local time
10:36 PM
Earlier this past week I was able to get the wifie to go out to dinner.
Wife is an oncology nurse and is attending blood cancer seminars in Anaheim Ca. We're camped nearby in our RV at Orangeland RV park, a really spiffy, fun place.

We decided to try the Carthay Circle Restaurant at the nearby Disney Resort.
It's based somewhat themed on the Carthay Circle Theater in Hollywood and brother did they ever get it spot on correct.

We sat at the bar waiting for a table and this couple sit next to us dressed in 1930 clothing. Now occasionally the Disney Resort has an unofficial Dapper Day where guests get dressed up, but not this day that was months ago. This couple dresses like that always.

I had read about them and forgot about them long ago in maybe Westways or Los Angeles Magazine.
Or was it them??? They live in a 1930's Los Angeles neighborhood and drive 1930's cars and are still at it.
They live the life style.

I had mentioned in a Travel forum that I was taking the elusive wife on a super rare dinner out and mentioned the Carthay Circle Restaurant. They read my post, came in and asked the employees if they knew me. Edgar the bartender introduced us. I'm on a first name basis with most bartenders.

The couple makes a living writing travel stories and also music jingles. "Barely make a living" is how they describe it.


Well, they wanted to know more about the Shut Up Sisters I once mentioned in a travel forum post. They wanted to meet them and write a short, funny story about them.
The Shut Up Sisters frequent a Dive Bar I hang out at. They drive all the customers mad. They are polite, so ya can't kick them out now can you?
If they don't talk for 15 minutes, they each get a free cocktail.
Some lawyers and judges come in for drinks after court and they will pick up their entire bar tab if the Sisters "Shut Up."

I gave the couple all the info and told them to hook up with Ryan, a professional Dog Walker kid that hangs out at the Dive bar who has witty and funny takes and experiences about the sisters. Ryan also cares for the elderly in his family and has a heart of gold. The dog walking customers pay him and pick up his bar tab.

OK onto dinner.

For Dinner I had the steak, wife had the Roasted Pumpkin and Sage Gnocchi. Dinner included special seating for the World of Color water and light show.
All outstanding.


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When Disney built the Carthay Circle restaurant they deliberately added more metal to the walls insides.
Cell phones don't work in there so put it away and enjoy the experience is the theory and it works. No texting, no emails, no calls, everyone is enjoying the atmosphere, service, friends and food.

The Carthay Circle Food is off the chart amazing.The drinks as good as it gets.
Pricey but it's all premium liquor and a strong pour and as unique and old school as all get out.

The Mickey Mouse Martini. Note the 3" dia clear, round ice ball/cube. They make the ice ball in front of you forming it from a cylindrical piece of ice, then form it in a brass gizmo. A special process makes the ice clear. Being in the ice machine business I can tell you it's done by vibrating the ice as it forms but that's a secret. Don't mention that in a international internet food forum like this one.
I video'd it but have to find that lost in the phones albums someplace:


The Restaurant also features special themed drinks as the Holidays or seasons change. The drinks are limited to 5000 each run and are $17/17 euros each. Expensive by US standards, but Disney gets it easily.
This is the Poison Apple Drink. The restaurant's bars sold 600 in the first three hours it was available. Apple Pucker, Vodka and cranberry. Disney fans take it to the next level and scoop these themed drinks up fast, collect the glow trinket.


Lemon Pound cake:

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Great story - I can see you have a gift for story telling. :okay: The dinner looks excellent! What's that steak sitting on - some sort of grain?
If I recall it was Puffed Barley with Tuscan potatoes, but I may have that wrong.
It came with fried biscuits that were amazing.
We dine out about once every 3 or 4 years so this trip was super special.
Not familiar with the area or restaurant, but it looks pretty cool… Kind of puts me in mind of the old speakeasy days I've heard about, and seen some renovated footage of on tv. Miss some of the old Hollywood restaurants like the Formosa Cafe. Have to go to Musso & Franks in Hollywood if they're still around.
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