What are foods that you always keep on hand?


2 Dec 2014
Local time
6:00 PM
I am interested in finding out what are some foods you always keep on hand in your pantry or your fridge for cooking something fast when you are budgeting or can't get out to go shopping. For me, I always stock up on chicken breasts, mixed vegetables, and cream of mushroom. You can fix many different things with these ingredients when you don't have much else in the house.
I can always make a meal out of my basics;
  1. Pasta and noodles
  2. Tomato puree/sauce
  3. Sweetcorn
  4. Peas (frozen)
  5. Potatoes
  6. Soups (used as sauces as well)
  7. Tortilla wraps
  8. Peppers (frozen)
  9. Eggs
  10. Onions
I've done this before and can make pasta bakes, stir fries, omelets, sandwiches and baked potatoes with fillings.
The things I tend to keep on hand in cooking are as follows, cream of mushroom soap, green onion, hamburger, can chili, eggs, instant rice. Yes, I buy other stuff as well especially when I know what I plan to make for that week. The things listed above are some of my main ingredients. I tend to use cream of mushroom soup in many dishes including meatloaf, and my chicken and rice dish. As for can chili, its used in quite a few dishes as well in my home, its good to have it on hand. I mention green onions but in my home we always try to keep fresh vegetables on hands we are salad eaters and in cooking onion along with other vegetables are used.
I always keep a lot of eggs and cheese. Eggs are so versatile and easy to cook with, if I'm hungry but I don't have any energy I can whip up an omelette.. I bake a lot too so keeping eggs around is essential. Other things I tend to stock up on are greens like spinach, kale, broccoli etc. because they are so healthy, if I have them around I'll eat them!
I always want to have onions, potatoes, sweet peppers, garlic, rice, cheese, eggs and some fresh herbs. I like to always have thyme and parsley. When it comes to meat, a whole chicken or some chicken breast is fine by me.

Re sauce, I must have soy sauce on hand. These days I hear it's not so good for me so I am looking for a substitute.
I always have various flours on hand, my herbs and spices, potatoes and onions and dried pulses and lentils. Tahini is always in stock and I would not want to be without a tin or two of tomatoes along with some rice. That little lot could feed an army for a week!
I always have at least one packet of pasta and a packet of rice, plus some fresh onions, concentrated tomato paste and some dried spices. If I have nothing else I can use these to make a variety of meals.

I'm interested to note how many people choose to have a can of cream of mushroom soup. I also use this as a stand-by ingredient, and it can be used with any of the above.
Here are a few must haves that I always try to keep on hand at my house

Frozen chicken
Hash browns
Marinara sauce
Cream of chicken soup

There are many quick dishes I can make with these staples.
Well, I'm about to move out, but I do have a list of foods that will always be in my fridge or home:
1. Slap Yo Mama (This is a cajun style seasoning that I love to put on everything)
2. Salt and Pepper
3. Sugar
4. Milk
5. Flour
6. Eggs
7. canned vegetables
8. canned soups
The foods I like to stock up on include:

Canned foods.
I am interested in finding out what are some foods you always keep on hand in your pantry or your fridge for cooking something fast when you are budgeting or can't get out to go shopping. For me, I always stock up on chicken breasts, mixed vegetables, and cream of mushroom. You can fix many different things with these ingredients when you don't have much else in the house.
Well I have to keep some type of fruit around, like bananas, and avocados. I also keep brown rice around, dry beans and split peas. I don't stock up to much on produce, because I like my produce fresh.
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