What did you cook/eat today (September 2017)?

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Char siu again - my wife loves it...........

char sui 5 s.jpg

char sui 6 s.jpg
That was using the packet mix MG to which I referred earlier. Whatever chemicals and stuff are in it, it still produces an excellent product and I am very reluctant to change.

char sui 0 s.jpg

I drain off the excess marinade in the sink (above water to keep any interested ants at bay).
That was using the packet mix MG to which I referred earlier. Whatever chemicals and stuff are in it, it still produces an excellent product and I am very reluctant to change.

View attachment 10342
I drain off the excess marinade in the sink (above water to keep any interested ants at bay).

I don't really worry about chemicals at my age! If it tastes good then stick with it! I'm pretty sure it must have red food colouring in it though - which ironically is derived from ants.

Here we have my interpretation of a Greek Salad.

Those massive purple things are beets: if you thought that they're much larger than they ought to be, you're right: this is what happens when you make your own and you start with enormous beets. I made them with more salt than typical pickled beet recipes to bring down the usual sweetness (usually, it seems that salt is used like it is in a cake recipe, for example). I added whole allspice and cloves to the brine. If you guessed from looking at this that I added so many because they're delicious, you'd be right. The dark green leaves, by the way, are beet greens.

I also made a dressing that's heavy on the garlic and basil (my two favorite things in Greek dressings). One day, I'll present this with homemade feta cheese, but not this time.
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