What do/don't you cook in a microwave?


28 Nov 2014
Local time
3:56 PM
I am sure anyone that wants to look like a respected cook is not going to using a microwave for much of their fare. I consider myself a decent cook, but I would be lost without my microwave. I cook many things in it that others probably would not. I cook white rice every time in the microwave. It takes nearly as long as on the stove top, but is less messy. This is especially nice when I using all of burners. I cook frozen salmon in the microwave too, which some might consider unsafe, but I cook it for so long that there's no chance it is not completely done. What do/don't you cook in the microwave?
I don't cook a single thing in the micro wave. I am curious with all the things I see online, but clearly not curious enough to
have tried something so far. I only use my micro wave for reheating leftovers of food or cake. Recently, I read somewhere on this forum about baking in a micro wave. I am not even going there until I can perfect my baking in the oven.
I also only use the microwave for reheating. My son uses the microwave to make scrambled eggs and "baked" potatoes. He pretty much makes a quick meal with the potatoes, He will poke potato with a fork a few times on all sides, Microwave it until inside is soft, splits it down the middle and stuffs some shredded cheese in the opening and if we have any leftover broccoli or cauliflower he adds some on top off the cheese. Sometimes he cuts the potato in half, scoops out most of the cooked potato , then puts some butter each half , some scrambled up egg and some shredded cheese and microwaves it again until the egg is cooked and cheese is melted. ( he has tried this with daiya shredded vegan cheese but claims the egg expands and explodes before the cheese melts to his liking :eek: )
I once cooked a turkey in the microwave. That was many years ago.
Today, I just mainly use it for reheating foods and sometimes for cooking veggies, softening or melting butter & for microwave popcorn (it has a popcorn cycle which I hardly use).

But it is big and roomy inside, and it has a whopping 1,200 watts cooking power. Toaster is 8700 watts. :wink:
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I once cooked a turkey in the microwave. That was many years ago.uur
Today, I just mainly use it for reheating foods and sometimes for cooking veggies, softening or melting butter & for microwave popcorn (it has a popcorn cycle which I hardly use).

But it is big and roomy inside, and it has a whopping 1,200 watts cooking power. Toaster is 8700 watts. :wink:

A turkey Shermie? How did that turn out? I am more than curious. I recently saw my husband use the popcorn cycle. I had forgotten about that until I saw him using it. I am interested in hearing about some more dishes some of you are cooking in the microwave.
That was around the mid '80s when I did that. It came out good! The trick is to cover the tips of the wings and the ends of the legs with pieces of aluminum foil, and to keep the foil away from the interior walls to avoid arcing. And you'd need a fairly large one, and with lots of cooking wattage to do it in. A small microwave one is out of the question.

But I wouldn't do it nowadays. Especially when there are other ways to do it. :eek:
I thought you were never supposed to put metal in the microwave? I don't really use mine to cook anything persay, just to reheat veggies and occasionally steam some veggies. I like to use my stove and oven for my cooking needs. The one thing I will not cook in the microwave are eggs because I have found that they stick to the dishes they are cooked in way to badly.
I thought you were never supposed to put metal in the microwave? I don't really use mine to cook anything persay, just to reheat veggies and occasionally steam some veggies. I like to use my stove and oven for my cooking needs. The one thing I will not cook in the microwave are eggs because I have found that they stick to the dishes they are cooked in way to badly.

It can be done for that purpose. :wink:
I don't own a microwave. I can't stand the way it makes things taste. When I did live with someone who owned a microwave the only thing I used it for was heating up leftovers and even that wasn't the best. I have tried microwaved eggs and they just lack something for me, I prefer them fried in butter.
I sometimes prefer the microwave, because I can cook healthier food in it than what the rest of my family eats. If I cook in a skillet, we usually use butter to keep it from sticking. I am not saying all things are going to taste equally good in a microwave vs. a stovetop or oven. You can't sear meat in a microwave. But I think microwave popcorn is just as good as making it in other ways. I have been told by some old-timers that isn't true, but I believe it is.
We have a microwave combi oven which I hate. Luckily I am getting a new kitchen this or next month whilst I am house and dog sitting for my landlady and part of that new kitchen will include a gas oven. The lack of any oven in the existing kitchen was the only reason for purchasing the microwave/combi oven in the first place, so we have only had one for the last 2 years as it is.

We only use the microwave side of life for defrosting in an emergency or reheating something with, mostly almond milk, or an un-needed dessert!

We lived without a microwave for 15-20 years prior to this one. If there is no space for it in the new kitchen, I can't see either of us missing it.

And it is also useless as an oven!
I only use my microwave for reheating. Years ago I had a browning tray and decided to try cooking a steak. It was a disaster, so I got rid of the browning tray (it was expensive) and now just use if for heating. I don't even use the defrosting feature because I find it starts to cook the item. I prefer to defrost in my sink using cool water.
Microwaves, the high-end models, years ago, used to have a browning element at the top inside. They were replaced with the combo convection / microwave units in the mid 80s. I had one back then! :eek:
I am sure anyone that wants to look like a respected cook is not going to using a microwave for much of their fare. I consider myself a decent cook, but I would be lost without my microwave. I cook many things in it that others probably would not. I cook white rice every time in the microwave. It takes nearly as long as on the stove top, but is less messy. This is especially nice when I using all of burners. I cook frozen salmon in the microwave too, which some might consider unsafe, but I cook it for so long that there's no chance it is not completely done. What do/don't you cook in the microwave?
I don't own a microwave oven. It's been a while since I've had one. The last thing I remember using the microwave for was to boil water.
I have never been keen on microwaves and have not owned one for around 8 years. Although this can probably be remedied with the correct technique, I never liked the way that food can be nuclear on the outside yet stone cold in the middle.
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