What do you consider to be a complete breakfast?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
12:00 PM
We know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What makes a complete breakfast for you?

I would say that a glass of fruit juice or some fresh fruit like orange, grapefruit or apple, would be a good start to a breakfast. Following that, about 15 minutes or so afterwards, some kind of cereal could be used. I usually go with oat flakes, oat meal or cream of wheat, but this could vary. Other choices could include dry cereals like raisin bran, cornflakes, shredded wheat, rice crispies and the like. Eggs with ham or bacon, together with a slice of toast and some kind of hot beverage would complete the breakfast.

What are your favourite breakfast choices?
Breakfast being the most important meal is really just an opinion. Some people can not eat much early in the morning no matter how hard they try while some people are happy to eat a large meal. I do not like to eat a large meal in the morning, I feel like my digestive system needs to warm up a little before taking on too much food at once. To me a good breakfast is a bowl of cooked millet cereal and a couple of hazelnuts and some coffee.
Once before I could eat a big hearty breakfast and be okay with it. Lately, however, I have been eating the same sorts of things, but cutting back on the portions. I used to hear some of my friends saying that they cannot eat anything at all too early; they have to wait until about mid morning. I guess that would still classify as breakfast even though it is taken later on in the morning. A hot beverage would be all they would have earlier. For me, I have to eat something early after getting up from a long night of fasting. The hunger I feel early in the morning is a trigger to let me know that I should eat something.
It depends on whether I am in a hurry or if I make time for breakfast. A quick breakfast is an espresso, apple juice and a boiled egg on toast or an omelet and a croissant or pain au chocolat if any are around.

A good breakfast would be toast, mushrooms, sauteed potatoes or hash browns, fried eggs or scrambled, vegetarian sausages and baked beans. That's a complete vegetarian fry up and I love them.
A nice mix of protein and carbs! So.. sausage or bacon or eggs, potatoes with loads of onion and bell peppers and then a grapefruit or orange on the side.
For me, a good breakfast consists of food rich in carbohydrates and green leafy vegetables. I wouldn't mind adding chilli con carne, scrambled eggs (with lots of tomatoes and spices) and a good cup of hot chocolate into the mix. Had I not been bombarded with too much work, I'd have traded coffee for hot choco any day.
Monday through Friday, breakfast is a quick meal, but I'm feeding kids before they go to school so it needs to be more than pop tarts in our house. For me, a "complete" breakfast includes something hearty like a breakfast muffin packed with extras, or my hearty breakfast pancakes, and fruit. Always a fruit on the side. Many times breakfast also includes a protein, and the two easiest for me are peanut butter or hard boiled eggs.

Weekend breakfast is always hot and cooked, usually eggs, grits, and sometimes bacon or sausage, and usually not fruit, which is kind of funny.
I think a complete breakfast should have a green vegetable of some kind end though it's not a popular choice. Another one of my must haves for breakfast is eggs. I don't think there's a better time to eat eggs than breakfast for some reason. I also like having some type of potato dish like hash browns, but honestly any complete meal would do for me at breakfast as long as it's not the type to make me feel sluggish afterwards.
A complete breakfast should, simply, consist of a colorful plate! Like others have said before me, I think a green veg is essential (I prefer bell peppers or spinach, personally), eggs any way, maybe some fruit? And a coffee/orange juice. I'm always the happiest, the more colorful my breakfast is.
I would say that a proper breakfast must have tree components:
1. Nutrition. For instance, if I am having eggs, I will slice some cucumber and tomatoes instead of hash browns, for instance.
2. Protein. Every body needs it. Those who want to stay fit eat planty of it to maintain good muscle mass. There are plenty of foods that are both high in protein and nutritional value. Some off the top of my head are eggs, greek yoghurt, oats, meat (duh), cottage cheese.
3. Fuel (Fats/Carbohydrates). If you start off your day with foods whose main utility is to fuel your body, you will have enough energy to manage throughout the rest of your day, even if you don't have proper meals after.

Just make sure that your diet is diverse and you switch up your meals so you get an adequate amount of different nutrients. For instance, if your breakfast today was eggs on whole grain toast with leftover roasted chicken and some spinach, tomorrow you could eat oats and greek yoghurt along with some fruit.
A complete breakfast would be a ham steak along with an order of vegetarian hash browns topped with cheese. A complete breakfast is not possible through the busy week mornings but the weekends are good, hot & hearty breakfasts.
My daily breakfast is pretty simple, I have 3/4 cup of organic flax cereal, 1/4 C fruit, usually berries in season or banana and 12oz 2% milk. One the weekdays I eat 5 times, the next meal after breakfast will be nuts and/or seeds and jasmine tea. Saturday and sundae are the only two days that I have a large breakfast a bit closer to lunch. I will usually make eggs with greens, fruit on the side, maybe fried potato or grits and tea or juice.
During the working week it is a mug of tea and cereal. Weekends and time off, tea and toast, bacon buttie, maybe croissant, chocolate pastry. I cannot eat too much in the morning so a cooked breakfast is very very rare.
During the week it's just a mug of tea. At the weekend it's full english breakfast, ie bacon tomato [real not tinned rubbish] mushrooms hash brown and black pudding along with a large mug of real coffee [black].
PS and toast.
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