What do you eat when you're not feeling hungry?


14 Apr 2015
Local time
1:29 AM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
I often have times when the clock says it's time to eat, or I've skipped a meal but don't feel all that hungry. In saying that though, most of the time I know I should be fueling myself with at least something.

If I'm at home and not really feeling all that hungry (but knowing that if I don't eat I'll end up ravenous later) I tend to go for soup. Maybe not so much in summer, but in the rest of the year it's my go to staple. Sometimes even a piece of bread or toast with peanut butter. If I'm out of the house I usually just go for a granola bar.

What about you?
I eat whenever I feel hungry. I do not follow a strict schedule especially when I am home. I do understand that sometimes when we our out or at work we follow break schedules. In that regard, I bring a small pack of cookie or soda crackers that I can munch on quickly. I do not eat granola anymore because if you read the label there is so much in it that is not good for me.
My turn to in times like that is usually toast ans peanut butter, I always have crackers on hand at work for those times. Usually though if I'm not hungry I just don't eat.
My turn to in times like that is usually toast ans peanut butter, I always have crackers on hand at work for those times. Usually though if I'm not hungry I just don't eat.

I totally have times too where I am just not at all hungry so I don't eat anything but I also often seem to have times where I don't feel hungry as such but I've missed lunch and it's dinner time, for instance, so I know I should probably be eating!

Peanut butter is such a good staple to have!
I have the same issue, where if I skip a meal, I end up overeating later, then feel awful. I also tend to toast up a piece of bread and slather on some peanut butter and sometimes jelly, as well. If I have hard boiled eggs around, I'll eat one of those, and sometimes I'll simply fold over a piece of meat (cold cut) and cheese, and eat that. Another of my favorite quick snacks is a sliced/diced avocado with a little salt and olive oil.
I'm not choosy I just eat anything available in the fridge. I usually do forget to eat lunch or dinner so snacking is very important to me. I usually go for sweet fruits or peanuts to silence my tummy. Nuts like almonds, chestnuts and peanuts will make you feel full very quickly.
Much as I hate to appear outrageously maverick, if I'm not hungry then I don't eat.
I was going to say the same thing but did not want to be cheeky. Then I got to thinking there might be times when I am not terribly hungry but would pick at some nuts or some cheese sticks just because they are around.
If I am not hungry, I prefer not to eat. However, I do eat to a schedule, and it so happens that when the time comes around for me to eat, I am usually hungry. I think my body has gotten accustomed to having food at a certain time. There have also been times when I have been out and been offered a snack like chips, from a friend. If I am not hungry at the time, I would just take it, thank them for it, and put it in my bag to eat later on.
for energy if I'm not hungry ,some thing sugary like jelly babies and or a oat bar like a flap jack
I often have times when the clock says it's time to eat, or I've skipped a meal but don't feel all that hungry. In saying that though, most of the time I know I should be fueling myself with at least something.

If I'm at home and not really feeling all that hungry (but knowing that if I don't eat I'll end up ravenous later) I tend to go for soup. Maybe not so much in summer, but in the rest of the year it's my go to staple. Sometimes even a piece of bread or toast with peanut butter. If I'm out of the house I usually just go for a granola bar.

What about you?
I try not to eat unless I am at least a little bit hungry. I have to admit though some of my eating is habitual in nature. I eat because it is a certain time, not listening to my body cues of whether I am hungry or not. I am trying to listen more to my body as to whether I need to eat or not. If I think I should eat, or only have a certain length of time to eat I will go for soup, cereal or maybe a small sandwich.
When I'm not that hungry I'll usually make chicken noodle soup. I try to keep homemade chicken broth in the fridge or freezer or it's quick and easy. I just cook up some noodles, sometimes I use egg noodles, or rice noodles add some veggies like carrots and celery. Usually when I'm not that hungry it's because I'm sick or ate a huge meal earlier on. Light broth and noodles hits the spot. It's very soothing and easy to digest.
If it is already time to eat and I am not yet hungry I just eat a piece of fruit which is healthy and easy to eat.
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