What do you wear in bed?

I can't bear any clothes against my skin whilst in bed. The day I left home was the day I stopped wearing 'nightclothes'. I love the feel of turning and feeling a light feather duvet rather than clothing. Perhaps its a generational thing? My daughter and son wear PJs - but that may be because they are living at home. Partner and 'friend I stay with' who are my age don't and haven't done since leaving home.
At home just PJ bottoms but when I'm out camping at a bike rally - well I take my boots off and pull a woolly hat on - I find the combination of sleeping bag, bike leathers and just a few beers smooths the ground out beautifully :D My wife has just decided to start using jogging bottoms + a sweatshirt + socks [but as these are ALL black she does tend to look like some kind of ninja padding around the bedroom :ohmy:

My mother-in-law passed away 4 years ago so now I choose my own nightclothes. It is below 0 so tonight will be a tracksuit with hoodie which I think is more attractive and much more practical than polyester pjamas covered in pictures of teddy bears!
Last night, I slept in my old sweatsuit because it was bitterly cold.

And it is showing no signs of letting up! The forecast for next week calls for more of the same. We seem to be stuck in this atrociously bitter Artic frigid air that's being pushed from the north Pole!!

Boy!! I'll be so glad when spring gets here!! In 3 months it'll be around the corner!! Hah!!
Spring is around the corner!.png

We have an ancient Spanish Proverb, which goes like this:

" Nine months of Winter and three months of hell " ..

Our winters begin in mid to late December and last until May 15th.

Another Spanish Proverb: " May has 40 days " ..

Have a lovely holiday and New Year ahead ..
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