What food do you like to cook the most?


31 Mar 2014
Local time
8:33 PM
Is there one food that above all the others that you love to cook the most? It can be a dish, cake or a single veggie or type of meat.
Some years ago I was taught how to cook authentic Indian curries by someone who came from that part of the world. Ever since then I have enjoyed cooking a curry with my own mix of spices. I usually make vegetable curries for myself, but when cooking for others I sometimes add meat. My curries are always enjoyed and I too like eating my own home made curry.
My favorite things to cook are stews and beef with broccoli. Stews, because they are very easy to prepare since mostly you'd just have to put ingredients in and leave them to simmer, and as for broccoli, it's just my favorite vegetable and it's very simple to prepare because all I have to worry about is the timing of how long to steam them for but the stir fry bit is easy.
Meat loafs are fun but messy. I know how to make ground beef (meatballs or burger patties), pork sausages (not the sort that needs to be squeezed into an intestine or cured, just the kind of sausage that's basically a loaf of meat), and can't wait to try my hand at Japanese tsukune (ground chicken). Like, literally. I just like kneading it all with my hands.
No bake cookies! Not that I need the sugar but I'm on a quick and easy cookie making rampage. I've got two batches to make someone for their birthday tomorrow.
I love cooking soups of all kinds, no recipes needed I just open up the fridge and let my imagination run wild. I love to stir fry a lot, especially when my garden is really producing veggies, in the summer I will stir fry twice a day!
My favorite food I like to cook most is my own version of spaghetti pasta which my family always request me to cook for them especially the kids. And I will not be tired of cooking this for them.
Baked mac and cheese. A lot of recipes I know are passed down from my grandmother and mom, and this was the first recipe that I tried that was totally different from theirs, but still as good. I also think I like it so much because I rarely make it. I have to be in a mac and cheese mood, lol.
I really enjoy baking as its one of those things that I can always count on. I know for a fact that I can go into the kitchen and with just a few simple ingredients, I can whip up something sweet and delicious that my whole family will love.

For the most part, I just enjoy cooking in general and especially love to cook those things that I know will be a hit in my house. I'm not afraid to branch out though and that's where forums like this one and other blogs come in handy! I'm always willing to learn new techniques and I'm always on the look-out for tasty recipes!
The food I really like to cook the most is chicken chow mein. For one thing, it cooks really quickly, so in that way I don't have to spend lots of time in the kitchen. After the chow mein noodles are put into boiling water with added salt, it takes about 5 minutes before it is cooked, and all I have to do is to drain it off. As for the chicken, I would usually use chicken tenders for this. After cutting the chicken tenders up into smaller pieces, they are then seasoned and put into a pot to fry. I would then add some tomato sauce, and in a short time, the chicken is ready. The chow mein noodles and the chicken are then blended together in one pot. A tin of vegetables is then added to the finished product, and my chow mein is ready to be eaten.

This type of food is especially good to cook when I am on the go and have to find something that will cook quickly.
I like cooking soups and risotto. I like soups because I enjoy all of the prep that goes into it and find it really methodical and somewhat stress relieving. I like cooking risotto because it is one of my favorite foods but more importantly because I view it as such a labor of love. Since it can be somewhat tedious most people I know have never had homemade risotto so I like introducing them to it.
I honestly love cooking meat. I love it all because it is so versatile. You can cook it, grill it, and the taste always changes depending on how you cook it or season it. I love testing out different spices. I also love baking foods like bread. I make homemade honey wheat bread and not only is it fun, but I kind of get a sense of accomplishment. Which sounds odd, but I just put 4 hours into it, and that first piece of hot bread is always most satisfying.
One of my all time favorites is to make a stir fry with veggies and shrimp. I love shrimp with anything but generally I just eat it without anything else. Easy to make and little trouble to clean up.
It's not nessecarily the one I like to cook the most, since it's fairly easy, but it is the one I cook most often because...well, it's easy, delicious and I'm lazy. It's spicy chilli potato wedges, and a sticky bbq chicken burger on lettuce and tomatoes, with a healthy squirt of HP Honey and BBQ sauce. God, I could go for one right now. Pity I don't have any chicken in the house.
I love making noodle bowls with lots of broccoli, mushrooms, carrots, bamboo shoots and water chesnuts with chicken or beef and cashews. It's something my son can help with with child safety scissors, and a quick stir of the skillet here and there. We love Chinese food, and pasta.
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