What foods do you hate and absolutely refuse to cook?


2 Aug 2015
Local time
9:44 PM
Virginia, USA
For me, it would be liver. The smell of it drives me up the wall, and the taste of it is horrible. I will not eat anything that even smacks of liver..pate is out for that reason. I can't stand it when I am eating some other meat and some liver is mixed in, it makes me dislike it. Most foods, if I don't love them. I can at least tolerate but not liver! What is on your most hated list?
Mine is liver too. My husband loves it but he usually cooks it when I am not around because the smell of it cooking turns my stomache. I don't know how he can eat the stuff, it smells so bad.
I was going to say nothing but then I came and saw liver and I honestly don't like liver and never cook it for my family or myself. My dogs like it so I give it them. Still I am not going to say I HATEit. I just don't care much for it. As I go along some other things might come to mind.
I was going to say nothing but then I came and saw liver and I honestly don't like liver and never cook it for my family or myself. My dogs like it so I give it them. Still I am not going to say I HATEit. I just don't care much for it. As I go along some other things might come to mind.

I have to saw I don't hate liver, I hate the cooking of it. Every sunday we would cook a non-chinese meal and it would be liver and onions with potatoes, bananas, and dumplings. I HATED it. I have had liver since and I don't mind it at all!

On the topic on hand, I'm very experimental when it comes to trying new things. So far there isn't enough I am not willing to try! If I have cooked with fermented shrimp paste and don't mind it, I think I will cook anything!
Anything deep fried. Not that I don't like the food, but because it's scary, messy and unhealthy. I'll eat it from a restaurant or take-away for a treat.

Also kidneys for the smell. Fish that's not already boned and descale etc for the mess and the smell.
Love liver, especially pate or chicken liver salad. Really can get on with beetroot. It seems to be an in favour cheffy ingredient at the moment but to me it just tastes like soil.
Me... I'll cook anything! Cooking is my passion so it would be rather strange to refuse to cook something! For example, I hate really sweet things but frequently make them for others. Also, I'm allergic to mayonnaise and really don't like it - but I frequently make home-made mayo for others. Like @epicuric, I adore liver. Any kind of liver - in fact I love all kinds of offal. I somewhat agree with @epicuric regarding beetroot but wouldn't go so far as saying I hate it. It can be used to great visual effect. I was rather pleased with the look of my decidedly pretentious and 'cheffy' recipe containing golden beetroot! :). Recipe Smoked Salmon with Pickled Cabbage and Kale Seaweed

Also, beetroot can be made into rather delicious quick pickles, tempering the earthy flavour of beetroot with aromatic herbs and a good vinegar. A good beetroot pickle goes very well with liver pate. :D
I have never cooked non-veg food. I can cook omlette and egg curry but meat or chicken is strictly a no-no for me.
The green mussel is the kind of food that I hate to eat. I do not know why and it is just that I am not comfortable eating this kind of food whenever I see its texture already. Although all my siblings like this kind of food that is why there is no choice that I still do cook it just for them.
I used to hate liver until I tried liver from Nandos. They cooked it in some creamy sauce and added a dash of lemon. I started cooking it out of habit now, I mainly fry it and eat it as a side alongside caramelized onions.
The food I hate is seafood. I know it is a broad category but I cannot eat anything with shells, or anything that comes from the ocean without feeling sick. That also goes with sushi, which is sad because my friends are always ranting and raving about the sushi they eat. I physically feel sick when I smell sushi or anything in that category. It is sad because my partner loves seafood but can only order it when I am not around him. It makes me too nauseous.
I will cook any thing ,I would prefer the meat to be from a happy animal,and within a close proximity to me ,supporting local farmers,but have cooked exotics like kangaroo and snake,emu,alligator to name a few,I believe in head to toe eating so a pigs head is heaven to use even the trotters
I live in the south.. pinto beans and cornbread are a staple here. I can't stand it! I've tried them several times, made different ways by different people. Something about them to me is just disgusting. It tastes like eating beans in muddy water or something..shew! My husband likes them but I refuse to make them, so he has to eat them at my mom's or his mom's house.
For me, that would be mushrooms. I think they taste like dirt and I hate the texture of them both raw and cooked. I know that mushrooms are a popular cooking ingredient, but I just can't stand them.
I went to a school where they served up the most revolting rice pudding known to man woman and beast. It was a typical English prep school staffed by cooks that abused and murdered food in that well known 20th century British way. Today I cannot go near rice pudding without feeling nauseous. (I eat savoury rice no problem - but rice pudding....ugh). So I don't cook it!
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