What is the best food to take to new parents?


14 Apr 2015
Local time
12:17 AM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
My next door neighbors welcomed a sweet baby boy to their family just last week. It's their first child and I'm sure many of us remember those days of eating whatever we could find in our sleep-deprived zombie state. Nutrition and proper meals went completely out the window for me for a little while there!

I'm curious to know what you think would be best to make them. I'm thinking something that will have leftovers that will reheat well in a microwave. My usual go-to food in a situation like this is usually lasagne, but does anyone have any other great meal ideas for this sort of circumstance?
I think I'd probably do an all in one casserole dish, so they could heat it through as and when they could eat. But I'd also do some easy cold snacks (that would also keep until they wanted it). For example, some dips with corn chips and/or batons of raw peppers, carrots. But, do you know, all I wanted to eat after giving birth was comforting, familiar (and rather bland) food. Like scrambled eggs or baked beans on toast!
Oddly [and seemingly often forgotten] there are two people involved, not just the mother. Both will be under strain so it might be an idea to find out first what they both want rather than a 'one size fits all' sort of thing
I like the idea of lasagna and maybe some fresh biscuits or rolls to go with it. Homemade soup is always good and most people enjoy soup. Finger foods are quick and easy. I am sure whatever you decide to make them they will greatly appreciate it. A new baby is such a busy time for new parents.
Oddly [and seemingly often forgotten] there are two people involved, not just the mother. Both will be under strain so it might be an idea to find out first what they both want rather than a 'one size fits all' sort of thing

That's true - we had our little one ourselves back in December last year and I know how nice it was when people considered both of us in terms of likes and dislikes! They've told us that they're happy with anything as they're not picky eaters and don't have food allergies or intolerances so that definitely makes life easier!
For the stork news, we always bring a cake or a roll or any pastry. Sometimes sweet desserts like flan or pie is also appropriate. It's not easy for the mother because she is still on the recovery but the family especially the siblings of the baby would love the pastries. One time a colleague in the office gave birth and we visited her in the hospital. What we brought were fruits, the expensive fruits in a fruit basket.
For the stork news, we always bring a cake or a roll or any pastry. Sometimes sweet desserts like flan or pie is also appropriate. It's not easy for the mother because she is still on the recovery but the family especially the siblings of the baby would love the pastries. One time a colleague in the office gave birth and we visited her in the hospital. What we brought were fruits, the expensive fruits in a fruit basket.

The fruit basket is an excellent idea because it's nice to have fresh fruit as a snack and stay on the healthy track too!
From experience it's always nice to bring new parents something family-sized, microwavable and delicious. Lasagna, spaghetti, chicken soup anything that's comforting to them for those first few months so comfort foods are really good they won't care about their own nutrition for those first few days because they'll be tired af. If you get them barbecue make sure it's sliced, for chicken-- boneless is really gonna help them.
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I've brought a hearty beef barley soup to new parents. It's quick to make and easy to reheat. It's a hearty meal when served with some crusty bread. It's also got all the food groups in one bowl. I find that kids and adults love it so it works for the whole family if there are younger siblings.
My go-to meal to take new parents is a homemade chicken pot pie. I usually make two and freeze them so that the parents can just throw one in the oven and have dinner ready an hour later. It's a very hearty, filling recipe too and makes great leftovers. Crock pot chicken or beef stew is always good as well, especially with some freshly baked bread :)
Something microwavable like a meatloaf, a casserole, a meat pie or lasagna. I'd say that a family size lasagna which lots of cheese on the top, would go down a treat.
Please don't forget to take some soup. Oxtail soup is great for a new mother especially if you can get it fresh. Great to help her regain energy fast.
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