What is the most unusual meal you've ever eaten?


24 Aug 2015
Local time
1:27 AM
I come from a country where game meat is available in some places. I can boast of having eaten different meat types, some that are not your usual kind of food. Most people eat meat from domestic animals but I have had some game meat as well. Deer tastes great and compares to goat meat. I have had quite some variety with game meat yet that is not the most unusual meal I ever ate.
I had a friend from Seychelles ask me over for lunch one day. She preferred to cook as we chatted and started by fixing me soup for a starter. It tasted exotic so I inquired what soup it was. You can imagine my suprise when she told me it was soup made from corn hair I had just enjoyed. What is the meal you found most unusual?
Mine would have to be cow brain stew. I have also eaten cow's tongue, blood pudding and pickled pigs feet. When I tell people this they always go "ewwwwwwww" but they are all really tasty.
I can't remember much for now except for the delicacy in Alaminos, a coastal town in Pangasinan. It was a summer when we had a brief vacation there and some fishermen befriended us, they are relatives of our host. That was the first time I had seen a sea urchin, that shellfish with spines. The fisherman opened the sea urchin with a knife and extracted the flesh. He then offered it to us. So as not to offend, I took the flesh of the sea urchin and swallowed it. Yes, that raw shellfish was kind of revolting to my stomach. And when I was offered another one, no way, I firmly refused.
I love food but I guess I don't tend to be that adventurous. I stick with the things that I either know, or am pretty sure I will like. Maybe the most unusual was venison mixed with pepperoni. We ate it in beans and truly it was delicious. It was one of the most unusual and best dishes I have ever had. I also made tofu meatballs, which were really bad,,,but that was before I knew much about how to prepare tofu.
Mine would have to be cow brain stew. I have also eaten cow's tongue, blood pudding and pickled pigs feet. When I tell people this they always go "ewwwwwwww" but they are all really tasty.
Cow brain stew and tongue? That is soo gross. Did you enjoy eating that?
Various fermented fish from around the world ,fertilised eggs ,earth worms,snails ,crocodile,snake,frogs and wood lice,squirrel,horse,there's not much I will right off except anouette the tripe sausage ,we've had a few threads on smelly food ,a lot I've had a go at ,
I've eaten earth worms as a child. We used to have a relative that grew them so to speak for eating which he did by the bucket load.

The insects like woodlice and ants I've done on various survival courses along with squirrel (having caught it yourself) and the likes.

But as a rule I guess I don't seem that adventurous to many. Most of what I eat is things like lime leaves or beech nuts, and other such things from mother nature.
Various fermented fish from around the world ,fertilised eggs ,earth worms,snails ,crocodile,snake,frogs and wood lice,squirrel,horse,there's not much I will right off except anouette the tripe sausage ,we've had a few threads on smelly food ,a lot I've had a go at ,

Gee, I couldn't come to terms with those food you mentioned. I agree that they are edible and maybe even more nutritious than ordinary food but my mind just wouldn't cooperate. When we were in Bangkok, we resolved to sample the cooked insects being sold on the sidewalk carts. But when got face to face with those insect food, we didn't have to stomach and just turned around. But in fairness to you, I had eaten fried frog legs, horse meat steak and fermented shrimps but not fermented fish.
Honestly I can't recall anything particularly weird or wacky that I've eaten. I know I'm probably in the minority with that, but if there's a food I'm apprehensive about it is rather hard for me to want to try it.
I've eaten frogs legs, chicken's feet and duck's feet. Growing up it seemed normal not weird to eat these foods but as I got older I realized that not everyone eats them and I learned the word delicacy.
I've stuffed pig trotters before,and we use split calves feat every week in our stock,so there seems to be a feet theme here
One time when I went to visit a friend out of town. His parents apparently had this tradition around the same time of eating a specific meal. They literally cooked up earth worms and some type of ant as a part of the meal. The sad part about it is I didn't even know about this until after eating some. My friend turns and grins at me asking "the worms good for you?". I nearly regurgitated when he told me and not gonna lie when I say that I had that disgusted look on my face until I left.
One time when I went to visit a friend out of town. His parents apparently had this tradition around the same time of eating a specific meal. They literally cooked up earth worms and some type of ant as a part of the meal. The sad part about it is I didn't even know about this until after eating some. My friend turns and grins at me asking "the worms good for you?". I nearly regurgitated when he told me and not gonna lie when I say that I had that disgusted look on my face until I left.
Norma restaurant did a PoP up restaurant in a top London hotel
Hit the link there a bit of a write up , the cost per head was high, and the first batch of ants died
It's no longer unusual to me because I live in a country that enjoys eating pig, beef and chicken innards. It's a nutritional delicacy that I eat with vinegar or barbecue sauce. The innards are good in a soup, fried or steamed and they usually consists of liver, brain, heart, intestines and other organs. The secret to it's goodness is that it has to be cleaned very well and cooked long.
The most unconventional meat I have tried so far is Crocodile meat. My family and I visited a Crocodile farm a few years back and all the food on their menu had Crocodile meat as the main ingredient. It was something new for all of us. For me, the Crocodile meat tasted like chicken.
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