What is your favourite Summer or Winter food?


22 Apr 2014
Local time
11:10 PM
South Africa
For winter it must be soup, curries or any other hot cooked food to warm you from the inside and make you feel warm and appreciated.

Summer I think is easier as not all food needs to be necessarily cooked. I love a good sandwich of a sesame bun.
I live in the tropics, so it isn't so much summer and winter as "loads of rain that will attack you on your way home" and "desert drought with merciless sunshine".

For the rainy season, I love sticky rice porridges and sticky rice pudding. When they're hot, of course. Here's a recipe for the chocolate rice porridge:

1 cup glutinous rice (which, contrary to its name, does NOT contain any gluten!) (the rice grains look completely opaque white, unlike ordinary rice which is somewhat translucent or grayish)
2.5 cups water for boiling the rice in
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, for adding to the rice porridge when it's cooked
1/2 cup white sugar, for sweetening the chocolate rice porridge when it's cooked

I've been trying to figure out a way to make a porridge out of the rice pudding recipe that I know, which is glutinous rice, steamed, then added to a syrup made out of ginger steeped in coconut milk (remove the ginger chunks) and the rawest brown sugar possible--I think I can just substitute blackstrap molasses for this.

How could I forget: soy curd and brown sugar syrup with sago pearls. It's a street food that I'd even have that when it's hot.

Now for when it's hot!

Hmm... shaved ice. There's another local recipe that adds a lot to it: caramel flan pieces, a scoop of ice cream, beans, sugar syrup, and gelatine pieces. There are also shaves ice desserts with syrup-cooked plantains (or cooking bananas) and shaved ice with milk and corn. Anything iced or frozen or chilly is fine by me, though. I'm not usually fond of coconut, but coconut water or coconut milk can be great with pureed avocado.
For summer I especially love fresh fruit because most of it is in season! Watermelon, mango, and peaches are my favorites for summer. As well as berries! I can also really appreciate a good burger or hot dog in the summer haha. For winter, chili is definitely a favorite!
For winter, stews, chili (beef, chicken or turkey) and soups are something I make about once a week. Two favorites are split pea with ham and a leek and potato soup, that I sometimes add bacon to. In the summer I tend to eat a much lighter diet because the high temps and humidity have me craving lots of fruits and vegetables. I make lots of large salads that I add some protein to, like grilled steak, chicken or shrimp.
In the summer, I love salads and wraps. My son loves to help out with the wraps, laying out the spinach, shredded carrots, meats and cheese.
In the winter, I love chilis. My chili, I love almost any ground meat, LOVE deer meat chili, lots of pinto beans, black beans, onions, bell peppers and corn. I have to make homemade cornbread, too, with chile, corn and cheese.
Summer is BBQ food. Winter its got to be casseroles. Lovely, taste great, and taste even better the day after you make it.
During winter season, I love a good hearty stew and maybe a good bowl of soup. I'd usually go for some chicken noodle soup during this time, and as for summer season, I'd eat pretty much anything as long as it doesn't cause me to feel hotter than I already do such as when I eat spicy food.
During the winter I really enjoy heavy foods. Something that makes you feel full and good. I really like soups, stews, and other dishes like chicken and dumplings. I also enjoy things like roasts with potatoes. A comfort food that just makes you feel good. In the summer I enjoy sandwhiches, BBQ, salads. Light foods that doesn't make you feel too heavy and that I don't have to cook on the stove. It is hot enough without the oven!
I agree, soup and Curry are perfect for the winter! I also really enjoy Pasta! But I enjoy pasta at anytime, so it's not much of a season food for me..... I also drink a lot of tea and lattes! Now for summer I like more salads and fruits, juices and sandwiches.
During winter season we always had this what you called "seaweed soup" not only healthy but delicious too!
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