What kitchen equipment do you hate...


24 Dec 2014
Local time
8:41 AM
cleaning the most in the kitchen of all the tools, appliances, pans, whatever?
Mine is something that should make life a lot more easier. The George Foreman Grill, it is supposed to be non stick and non fuss so why does stuff stick and why am i stuck having to scrub it out without actually being able to scrub it because that would ruin it?!?!
URGHEEEH! :banghead:
Yes, I did just get done dealing with it, pardon the :mad:.
I ended up throwing out my George Foreman grill because it was more trouble than it was worth. I had the same issue in that food juices would stick to it and then I would have to scrub it off with a soapy washcloth. The grills do not detach and so you have to wash the thing as one big unit. Cuisinart came out with a version except that the grill plates do detach and I want to get one badly.
I ended up throwing out my George Foreman grill because it was more trouble than it was worth. I had the same issue in that food juices would stick to it and then I would have to scrub it off with a soapy washcloth. The grills do not detach and so you have to wash the thing as one big unit. Cuisinart came out with a version except that the grill plates do detach and I want to get one badly.
Oooh really now? I wish you didn't tell me that! Dangit!
I bought a blender with the intention of making lots of fresh soups except it's such a pain to clean, put back together and to store. I used it once and it sits in my parents garage awaiting me to find the patience to try it again one day. It's been there a few years so far...
I bought a blender with the intention of making lots of fresh soups except it's such a pain to clean, put back together and to store. I used it once and it sits in my parents garage awaiting me to find the patience to try it again one day. It's been there a few years so far...
Oh you're telling me, there is a food processor/blender/mill that's been sat untouched for over a year. It seems like the assembly and cleaning are far more work than me cutting things up myself!
That's one reason I seldom ever used my Foreman grill, I hated putting the whole unit into the sink to scrub it off, and I could never get it 100% "clean" since the oily dish water would seep down into the device, then leak back out on to the counter when I put it away. Also, as far as cooking was concerned, it would squash everything on one side, closest to the hinges, and push everything out the other end. Every time I tried to make a grilled sandwich in this, the fillings would get pushed out of one side of the sandwich. You couldn't cook delicate items like fish in it either because it would flatten them and break the fillets apart. Items like burgers or chicken would come out dry because the weight of the top part would squeeze out all the juices in the meat, not just fat.

For what it's worth, if you are looking into the Cuisinart models (there are two of them, a small and a large) I would suggest checking the reviews first. There are some things they solve, but they have problems of their own, one of them being the grease drainer in them. Also, check out your local Big Lots, especially around the holidays, because I've seen refurbished models in there for only $30 or so from time to time.

The other appliance I really hated was the Jack LaLane juicer. It was a sturdy device, but beyond that, it was very poorly designed in nearly every regard. It was way too huge and heavy for what it did. The plastic on the device stained easily and permanently from stuff such as carrots or beets. The spout was placed too low for you to fit a typical tall drinking glass under, so you either had to juice into a bowl then pour that into a glass or juice into a short glass and have it overflow all over the counter. The metal blade, while very sharp, was also dangerous to remove from the machine without cutting your hands up. They provided a handle attachment to do this, but then you have to deal with losing or misplacing that attachment. The parts of the device would practically fill up your whole dishwasher, so you would have to run a whole cycle just to clean this one thing, all for a stupid glass of juice. And finally, the cost of the juice itself. You needed a lot of fresh fruit and veggies to make just one glass of juice. Considering a little pint of blueberries will cost you around $4-$5 at the store, then a pint of strawberries, some cantaloupe, Kale, etc... by the time you make one drink it could have cost you over $20 worth of ingredients.
George Foreman Grill..jpg
George Foreman 360 Grill..jpg
Shred Emulsifier.png

In the mid '90s, I first bought the George Foreman Grill in the left pic. They were so hard to find back then, because they sold like hotcakes!!

In the years later, I became tired of it because it was no longer efficient enough as far as cooking dinner was concerned, and the plates are not removable for easy cleaning.

Gave it to a friend and bought the larger George Foreman 360 Grill (center pic). It has removable cooking plates that make cleanup a breeze!! I can cook more things with it, up to and including whole meals, from Breakfast to lunch to dinner!

My Shred Emulsifier (3rd pic) practically cleans itself! All I do is fill the blender container 2/3 full with warm water after use, run the Smoothie cycle once or twice, and the container is clean! The Smoothis setting starts and stops, blasting the water up the container to the tightly sealed lid to power off soft food! it does this 3 times. The powerful motor spins the blade at 30,000rpm. Then, I just pour out the wash water, rinse & dry! :wink:
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I never knew there was a George Foreman grill with removable plates - I ended up giving my original grill away because it was too difficult to clean up too!

It was a shame because it was very useful for a variety of things and cooked food really quickly. It was just the constant cleaning that discouraged me from using it any more. I would definitely give the 360 grill a try though, it would be so much easier if you were able to soak the plates for a while.
Not sure if the 360 grill is still available. I think that it went out of production. Shame, because I think it is a nice item!! It even has a temperature control!
It is very versatile, and it can replace several cooking appliances, such as an electric griddle, electric skillet and an electric sandwich maker!! I love it and I'm so glad that I bought it!! Got it from a Target store about 3 or 4 years ago.

I think that it has been replaced by a grill that looks almost like it though. :hungry: :chef: :)
The George Foreman Grill, it is supposed to be non stick and non fuss so why does stuff stick and why am i stuck having to scrub it out without actually being able to scrub it because that would ruin it?!?!
And likewise Breville sandwich toasters!

It is easier to do toasted sandwiches in the George Foreman using non stick toaster pockets as I then don't need to wash the George Foreman!
George Fopreman 360 Grill in red..jpg
George Foreman 360 Grill (new).jpg

Here it is in red (top pic) and the newer one in gray (bottom pic).
They are still available at Amazon.com, but in limited supply. :)
oh the hatred for the george foreman grill,my sons dug our grill out and they do panini style sandwiches in it,so there is a use for it
I just LOVE my George Foreman 360 Grill!!

It can do the things that some of the other appliances can do!
Such as replacing the electric skillet & electric griddle, as well as the waffle maker and the Panini press. And it can still make great grilled (grill-marked) low-fat burgers (the unit can be tilt forward so that the fat can run off into one of the supplied drip pans placed in front of the unit), grilled cheese sammies, as well as whole meals for breakfast, lunch & dinners / suppers!!

It is very versatile, and it can replace those appliances mentioned above! :wink:
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We have a old George Foreman Grill but never use it. I wish I could replace the grill plates with waffle plates, then it would get used often. My daughter purchased this skillet that is so heavy I hate it. It is heavier than the cast iron skillet
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