What made you smile recently?

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following on from medtran49 reply, They show up a lot on American crime dramas such as CSI and NCIS...if of course these are available to you in Croatia
Thanks. I do not watch Tv, have no Tv at home for 5 years now.
My ex husband was obsessed with Tv and thousands of Sattelite Tv channels.
Me, not at all.
Rarely have I missed Tv.
I am more of a books person. And youtube where I choose what I watch, usually something that makes me grow.
I would possibly loose days of sleep after watching something heavy or tragic.
This morning, 1 of the lads on the shopfloor called in and left a message, apparently he ate something bad yesterday so he couldn't come in today :roflmao:

Nothing to do with excessive vodka consumption obviously.
What made me smile? My dog sits on the couch with me when I watch TV - which is usually after 8pm.
I didn´t much like what was on , so I turned off the TV. 8.30pm.
Dog went straight to the kitchen and stood by the bread bin. Barked at me.
I usually give him a bit of bread when it´s time for bed. :laugh:
Hubby: that's the first set of roadworks I've seen where they've increased the speed you can drive at. :scratchhead:

Outside the hospital they've been digging up a road for years (new buildings going in). Australian speed limits for roadworks where workers are in the road is 40kph. The hospital speed limit for that road is 20kph. So the roast works have doubled the speed you're allowed to drive along that road!
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