What made you smile recently?

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A couple went holiday shopping, and the mall was packed. While walking through one of the stores, the wife looked around and didn't see her husband. Knowing they had a lot to do, she called his phone to ask where he was.

In a quiet voice, he said, "Do you remember the jewelry store we went into many years ago? You fell in love with a particular diamond necklace we couldn't afford, and I promised you I'd get it for you one day?"

Touched, his wife smiled and said, "Yes, I do remember that."

"Well...I'm in the bar next door."
We wouldn't dare try to put up a christmas tree, especially this year. Our Mindy has recently decided that anything on a table, desk, cabinet, etc is fair game for being pushed off. I found the laptop on its way to being pushed off the desk tonight, 1 corner was completely off. Don't know why the behavior change, but it has quickly become very annoying. And I'm sure her brother is really getting tired of her being such a snot to him as well.
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