What type of eater are you?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
10:25 PM
SE Australia
Watching the way people eat is very revealing.

On your plate is a mixture of food that you love, you like and you tolerate.

My husband will eat it all, in any order it comes. He doesn't seem to have favourite foods or a set order to eat things in. He just eats.

I on the other hand, will move what I love to the side of the plate and save the best bit til last.
I'm also a picker. I eat all of one thing, then move on to the next. It doesn't matter if the 'thing' is mixed in with something else, like mixed beans for example. I will eat all of the green beans before moving on to the kidney beans, and saving the chickpeas till last. They could have been mixed or separate, it doesn't matter. I love chickpea so they are saved til last.... Now give me a bag of mixed nuts and fruit and sit and watch... It drives my OH batty!

So what are you like? Do you eat your favourite food first so as to have prevented your older brothers and sisters from nicking your favourite? Or do you save the best til last and risk it being nicked?
I am like your husband. I eat it all in what order it comes. When I am eating out though, say if I ordered burger and fries. I have to eat all the fries first before I eat the burger. That is the only exception. Other then that I eat it all together, not saving the best til last.
I am one of those people that my foods can't touch each other on the plate. I like to savor each side or dish as it is without the influence of its neighboring portion. Strange but true. I do not have to eat all of one thing at once before moving on to the other portion though. I also tend to investigate my food because I like to spot the ingredients in the dish.
I'm a picker too! I always eat my favorite first and move around the plate. My husband is the same way as yours, he'll just eat what he gets. He ends up giving me flack for only eating certain things and my favorite parts.
If I have different things on my plate, I do not save the best for last. I eat everything together. I am not one to eat my vegetables first and then go on to eat everything else. Nor would I leave the meat for last as I have seen some people do. I mix everything together, so I would have to say that I am not a picky eater..
Good cooking is about flavour combinations, so I will always eat elements of the dish together or juxtaposed to each other. Salt, sweet, sour for example - the classic combo. How does that work if you eat everything in its entirety separately? Would you picky eaters de-construct a blackberry and apple pie, for example?
Watching the way people eat is very revealing.

So what do you think it reveals (I mean apart from the way they eat). You seem to be suggesting it might give an insight into other aspects of the person. Do you think there is a correlation between eating habits and other psychological traits?
I am like your husband. I eat it all in what order it comes. When I am eating out though, say if I ordered burger and fries. I have to eat all the fries first before I eat the burger. That is the only exception. Other then that I eat it all together, not saving the best til last.
Thats weird! What would happen if you ate burger and fries at home?
I am like your husband. I eat it all in what order it comes. When I am eating out though, say if I ordered burger and fries. I have to eat all the fries first before I eat the burger. That is the only exception. Other then that I eat it all together, not saving the best til last.

I'm much the same as you! The fries thing for me is because if I wait until I've eaten the burger, the fries tend to be super cold and unappealing - so for that reason I like to eat the fries first and get maximum enjoyment from them. With other things though I'll just eat in no particular order, I would say!
Would you picky eaters de-construct a blackberry and apple pie, for example?
Well an apple and blackberry crumble is far more fun. I start with the apples. They are usually lumps and I eat them first, then I move on to the blackberries (my preferred fruit of the 2)... and finally the crumble. That gets divided into 2 parts, the soggy underneath part and the top crisp brown part. If the top part has any clumps of crumble then they are saved til last. they are the best bit if the crumble has been done the way I like it....
There is an art and a science to the deconstruction!
I think I might be all over the place and almost always rushing.....not good. I don't care for dry food and like to mix things up. Most Bajans myself included like a plate that will comfortably accommodate salads as well as your starch and protein and will mix and match and eat everything together.
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Well an apple and blackberry crumble is far more fun. I start with the apples. They are usually lumps and I eat them first, then I move on to the blackberries (my preferred fruit of the 2)... and finally the crumble. That gets divided into 2 parts, the soggy underneath part and the top crisp brown part. If the top part has any clumps of crumble then they are saved til last. they are the best bit if the crumble has been done the way I like it....
There is an art and a science to the deconstruction!
Thats weird! What would happen if you ate burger and fries at home?

I would do the same thing. Not sure why I do that but I have for as long as I can remember. Just one of those weird things I do. lol
I'm the type of eater who needs to have dessert always aside from that I'm not really picky about my food as I eat everything. I also like having a drink afterwards and the food I really love is steak. I don't do much with my food that's weird I suppose but I never really snack I like my full meals and a coffee in the afternoon.
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