What unusual things does your dog eat?


29 Mar 2015
Local time
7:12 AM
My little dog, Sadie, loves carrots, peas, and green beans. But, she also likes canned peaches and canned mandarin oranges. Watermelon is another favorite in the summer time. If I am eating any of these items, she will beg for some. Oh yes,, she eats off of a fork. What unusual items seem to be favorites of your dog?
DOG (who is still a puppy) has recently developed a liking for Marmite on toast. We have a rule of never feeding him if he begs. The last thing I want or need is a dog whining at the table. We also want him to eat a balanced diet and too many snack treats can upset this. My son has trained him to sit quietly whilst he eats in front of him. If he succeeds he sometimes gets a reward but only if he completely quiet. The latest reward is a tiny morsel of Marmite on toast. He really loves it! I'm not sure that my son should really be rewarding him in this way... :unsure:
We walk an Irish wolf hound (as well as dog sitting for him) and he is well known around here to eat all the usual crap, but he also loves raw carrots! I think this comes from living on a farm with stables and plenty of horses around, but he will hunt out and eat every raw carrot he can find! The other day we were walking past another stables and someone must have dropped one. It had then been run over and dug into the dirt and he was going frantic trying to dig it up and eat it before we could take it off him (anything dead, recently dead or sometimes alive (!) is rejoiced from him often directly from his mouth).

His other favourite is charcoal biscuits! And right now I'm more than happy for him to have a many of those as he wants!
This is a caveat for those who feed their dogs non traditional food like fruits and nuts. Be aware that grapes is bad for the dogs, it has a bad effect on their kidneys. We used to give our first dog grapes and she loved it. But when we learned that it is bad, we stopped giving just to be on the safe side. Another bad food for the dogs is chocolate. Any kind of chocolate can cause heart palpitation in dogs and can lead to a heart attack. My advice to dog owners, do not feed your dog with any other food except dog food.
My dog could be compared to a garbage disposal. She will eat absolutely anything you give her without a second thought. The weirdest thing I've seen her take a liking to is strawberries. I don't give them to her, but she has accidentally come across some I've dropped before. She will beg for them if she sees me with them as well.
The dog I dog sit for will eat anything I eat. If I have soya yoghurt he will beg to be allowed lick out the container. He will eat mango out of my hand if I allow him! Obviously I don't allow it but with his size he can sneak up on you and literally take it out of your hand even when your hand is well above your waist!
We walk an Irish wolf hound (as well as dog sitting for him) and he is well known around here to eat all the usual crap, but he also loves raw carrots! I think this comes from living on a farm with stables and plenty of horses around, but he will hunt out and eat every raw carrot he can find! The other day we were walking past another stables and someone must have dropped one. It had then been run over and dug into the dirt and he was going frantic trying to dig it up and eat it before we could take it off him (anything dead, recently dead or sometimes alive (!) is rejoiced from him often directly from his mouth).

His other favourite is charcoal biscuits! And right now I'm more than happy for him to have a many of those as he wants!

Raw carrots are supposed to be very good for dogs (according to the dog-breeder from whome we got our puppy). I think the vitamins are good for them and the crunch is good for their teeth. Hmm...perhaps I need to eat more raw carrots.
My little dog, Sadie, loves carrots, peas, and green beans. But, she also likes canned peaches and canned mandarin oranges. Watermelon is another favorite in the summer time. If I am eating any of these items, she will beg for some. Oh yes,, she eats off of a fork. What unusual items seem to be favorites of your dog?
Well, sadly, I don't have my dog anymore, but he would basically eat anything but lettuce. I didn't give him the foods I knew were bad for dogs, but I think his motto was if it's people food it has to be good! I think he would eat anything from a marshmellow to cantelope. These dogs can acquire a taste for a certain type of human food I think.
My friends dog who i keep sometimes has the weirdest "food loves". At one time he actually tried to eat a apple but then gave up and settled for half a baby carrot.
My dog is very picky with food but stick a doner kebab in front of her and she slobbers like mad,
My mates Labrador ate one of his sons shoes and all the wax off a bag of tea lights ,The hound eats any thing !
My five years old pug just loves mangoes. He can smell a mango from a distance and would keep jumping around you until he gets some. He also likes to eat apples. These are the only two fruits he eats.
One of my dogs likes to eat paper and I know it's not unusual but too much grass at one point. I recently saw her chewing long and hard and when I checked she was eating a plastic cover from a bottle. I always have to keep an eye on her and be careful nothing drops and she is ready to grab just about anything.
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