What would you choose?


Used to be, when I was a kid, restaurants carried only sweet tea. It wasn’t until more people starting caring about their weight/health, right around 1980 or so, that restaurants started selling both.
Except in the deep south. They had both for as long as I can remember, growing up in Florida and spending a lot of time across the Gulf of Mexico states (especially southeast Texas). I remember my mom having to specify she wanted unsweetened tea at certain restaurants back home because if you didn't, they generally assumed you wanted sweet!
I adore it, and so does Windigo. I think medtran49 likes it but maybe not as much as Windigo and I do.
No, I love sushi. I learned to roll just so I could make it exactly the way I like it. Just don't make it much anymore. When we get from the Thai/Japanese places I always get sushi, and Craig generally gets curry, fried rice, and maybe a spicy tuna roll.
No, I love sushi. I learned to roll just so I could make it exactly the way I like it. Just don't make it much anymore. When we get from the Thai/Japanese places I always get sushi, and Craig generally gets curry, fried rice, and maybe a spicy tuna roll.
I thought you might, sorry I didn't remember that you loved it and not just liked it! I wish they had some sushi mystery shops!
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What an interesting menu!
I'd probably skip the breakfast, but for lunch or dinner, the grilled jumbo shrimp or the butter fish.
NB. When we went to London back in 2015, we booked a Vietnamese restaurant, and I had the butter fish. Unbelievably good and I'd love to try it again.
The chocolate chip and Mac nut waffle or either of the pork belly dishes for breakfast.

For lunch or dinner, probably the miso butterfish because I've always wanted to try butterfish, or the mushroom chicken.
DH had the Miso Butterfish and it was cooked to perfection!
Oh how I've missed this food.
I've not tried the Smoked Pork Belly yet ...
What an interesting menu!
I'd probably skip the breakfast, but for lunch or dinner, the grilled jumbo shrimp or the butter fish.
NB. When we went to London back in 2015, we booked a Vietnamese restaurant, and I had the butter fish. Unbelievably good and I'd love to try it again.
We're trying not to repeat place to eat, because there's so many that we want to go to.
But, yeah, that Butterfish was amazing!
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