What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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Despite it being the middle of winter my veg patch is going gang-busters, particularly the tomatoes which are all self-seeded. Also growing is parsley (sooo much parsley), lettuce, radishes, mini cauliflower, kale & some random stuff I'm yet to figure out.
Most of my garden is Australian native shrubs & it's only been the last couple of years that I've been growing produce. I have a blueberry & a grafted nectarine which should bear fruit next year.
To be honest we have been so busy lately with other stuff it has unfortunately taken a back seat.

I had a 14-foot section of fence fall over, and bought new lumber and hardware to build a proper fence, just like my other fences. That was sometime in early 2019. The materials are still stacked neatly in my garage.

Update on my garden. After the week I was out of town, I somehow managed to revive my basil plant and pepper plants. They are not pretty, but they are alive. The pepper plants won't set fruit until sometime in September. It is too hot. That's normal. Those late season peppers are usually the best tasting, and the hottest. They will be good for cooking, and I generally have plenty to give to my foodie friends.

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