What's the easiest thing to cook?


17 Mar 2015
Local time
2:25 PM
I'm a terrible cook, but I'm trying to learn, because there are just too many benefits to being able to prepare your own food.

Off the top of my head, the easiest things to cook would be spaghetti and boiled/fried eggs. Or perhaps bread with something on it, but now we're entering "that's just pathetic" territory.

Any other really, really, really easy meals that can be prepared with minimum effort and taste good?
Yeah, I'm not sure if beans on toast really counts as "cooking"!

Eggs are always a great place to start - boiled eggs are particularly easy - and they can be cooked in a variety of ways. Spaghetti sauce is fairly easy but it can be time-consuming too. Chicken is also really easy to cook. Get the breasts, coat in sauce and wrap in foil. Place in pre-heated oven for half an hour and that's it.
scrambled eggs?
fried egg?
omelette is not really difficult, mix the eggs, add the frying pan and under cook the eggs, fold in half and serve. Of course you need a non-stick pan for a beginner and a medium heat not a high heat.

Peas Risotto - (chop onion roughly, fry in a little oil until cooked, add the rice (any quantity as per how many people eating it) fry for a moment, add the stock - chicken, veg,etc, mix with onion, put lid on frying pan or pan, simmer until 5 mins before rice is cooked, add the peas - frozen are best, add the 1tbsp chopped oregano (or dried if necessary - 1tsp), ensure a touch of liquid remains, mix, cover with lid again, get some grated cheese ready, serve when cooked, sprinkle with grated cheese.
yes eggs are fairly easy to cook,but there are lots of ways to get them wrong,scrambled eggs and omelettes are often given to young chefs going for jobs as a test of their touch and understanding of ingredients,single dishes, following recipes are always a good start but cooking is about timings,may be a chilli or a curry type dish ,whilst cooking do some rice to complete the meal,
even after years of cooking professionaly if you have a idea for a dish it takes 3 times of making it to get it perfect.....so never dispare if you make mistakes thats how we learn,
the gordon ramsey scrambled egg recipe on you tube shows how easy it is to make a mistake ,scrambled egg was taking his attention and he burns the toast ,
I would say one of the easiest things to cook are creamed potatoes. Just peel the potatoes, put them into a pot of water and add some salt. Let them cook until tender enough to mash. Drain off the potatoes in a colander and then return them to the pot. Use a potato masher to mash the potatoes. Add about a half tablespoonful of cooking butter and mix it in with a table spoon. Afterwards add in some milk of your choice and mix this in. There you have it. Your cream potatoes are finished.
I'm a terrible cook, but I'm trying to learn, because there are just too many benefits to being able to prepare your own food.

Off the top of my head, the easiest things to cook would be spaghetti and boiled/fried eggs. Or perhaps bread with something on it, but now we're entering "that's just pathetic" territory.

Any other really, really, really easy meals that can be prepared with minimum effort and taste good?

Ramen? I know that sounds crap, but if you just put an egg and some veggies into your noodles then it becomes a lot better. Some people have also recommended adding peanut butter but I haven't tried it, so proceed with caution.
Easiest food to cook and prepare? I think it is fried fish. All you need is a clean fish and some salt. You also need a right amount of oil and you are now ready to cook. Hehe
Some people have also recommended adding peanut butter but I haven't tried it, so proceed with caution.
peanut butter added to a sauce or even tahini is really nice. Adds a nice creaminess to it along with the 'nuts' given they are not nuts - depends on if it is a smooth peanut butter or a crunchy one!
Cashew nut butter is the same as well.
Boil something in a pot and add seasoning. Soup really can be that easy!

You can get more elaborate as your confidence grows. You can experiment with different herbs and spices and see how they affect the taste. Then you can start adding other vegetables. You can puree your resulting creations, or leave them chunky. You'll learn to chop and with time, your speed with a knife will increase and your preparation time when cooking will fall dramatically. This fact alone will encourage you to cook more often.

Soups are a great place to start because there's lots of room for error. They're easy to fix when you mess up, you can make them into hearty meals when the occasion calls for it. You'll also learn the basics you need to move onto sauces.
Oh dear, I feel like so many things are easy to cook but that's because cooking is my thing. I actually stopped and checked a few things online and some of what I saw I would not consider easy. Anyway, lots of people think of eggs when it comes to easy things to prepare and I agree. Since I don't consider it a big meal, I am thinking of something like potatoes and marcaroni and pretty much any pasta. Chicken breast and most can foods are also easy to work with.
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