What's your favourite snack food?

Gene Gibly

25 Apr 2013
Local time
7:15 AM
It's crisps for me - bad for you, I know - not much nutritional value, I know - but I just love 'em.

I do snack on grapes too - you know, to add balance ... nice and cold, fresh from the frudge. Yum!

What's your favourite snack food?
Salted peanuts, I could eat far too many of them. Funnily, I don't like peanuts 'plain' or in chocolate bars, only roasted. A beer just isn't right without a packet of nuts.

Salted cashews, even more so, but they are more expensive, and not so available in pubs.

If someone wanted to kill me though, they could do worse than prepare a tonne or so of Cheese and Pineapple on sticks. I'd eat until I exploded.
I like to snack on olives and cheese and biscuits. I buy little crackers in Spain that are about the same size as mini Cheddars, but a quarter of the price, and then I cut up little squares of Cheddar to eat with them. It actually makes for a light meal rather than a snack.

I love crisps as well - and paprika flavoured Pringles - but I only have them in the house when we have visitors to help me to eat them, because I can resist anything except temptation. :roflmao:
Nice - I like both of those too (including the cheese and pineapple stakes). :D
Salted peanuts, I could eat far too many of them. Funnily, I don't like peanuts 'plain' or in chocolate bars, only roasted. A beer just isn't right without a packet of nuts.

Salted cashews, even more so, but they are more expensive, and not so available in pubs.

If someone wanted to kill me though, they could do worse than prepare a tonne or so of Cheese and Pineapple on sticks. I'd eat until I exploded.

We could be related....
I forgot to add, marmite roasted cashew nuts. had one bag around christmas and they were amazing... scoffed the lot after cycling to my mothers, guess I needed the salt! http://www.mysupermarket.co.uk/tesco-price-comparison/Nuts_And_Seeds/Marmite_Cashew_Nuts_90g.html

I like to snack on Special K sweet and salty popcorn chips. They are healthy and really good.
It's a tough battle between crisps, nachos or cheese. I make the choice based on what I feel like and my budget.
I have stopped eating the popcorn chips as a snack and have started eating pineapple. I like this a lot better and it's also a lot cheaper too.
Reeses pieces, they never last. The mini cups are even worse.
Yeah I know what you mean. I buy those every now and then mainly because they woukd not last a day at my house because I would eat them all the very day I buy them:D.
I have such a long list of favorite snacks that I could go on and on. :D Just to mention a few: I love squares, jammie dodgers and sour cream pringles, they are just so delicious and I am famous for loving my tummy, they just give me that fulfilling feeling of joy :)
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