When did you last have food poisoning?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
10:44 AM
SE Australia
Following on from another thread, I thought I would start one on food poisoning.

I can't remember the last time I had food poisoning at all. I can remember the last time my husband had it and that was whilst we were cycling around the world around 6 years ago, towards the start of it. We had bought some eggs from the side of the road, something we very often do and when cooked, one of them just didn't seem right to me. It was mine, my husband having already eaten his 3. I left it, not liking the looks of it. He was still hungry so ate it. He was ill all of the next day (luckily we were at a friends home by then!)

So when did you last have food poisoning and what caused it?
Last time was when returning from Chang Mai a few years ago. We stayed at a hotel in Petchabun where I ate some roast pork in the evening. The following day we continued our journey and stopped at a roadside cafe where I shared some of my wife's laab neua (minced raw beef salad). That evening I had stomach pains and the usual other symptoms. After 3 days my wife persuaded me to visit the doctor who diagnosed it as gastroenteritis. By that time it was virtually gone.

The only previous time in Asia was as a result of eating a bad prawn (I guess) at a friend's house in Malaysia. It only lasted 24 hours and luckily the meal was a Saturday evening so it didn't affect my work. It was extremely painful though.
After 3 days my wife persuaded me to visit the doctor who diagnosed it as gastroenteritis. By that time it was virtually gone.

There is a funny although expensive side to this. The hospital doctor wanted to keep me in for observation but I was not having that. However, my wife has much more faith in Thai doctors than I and persuaded me that I would live a dog's life if I didn't follow the hospital recommendations.

They installed me in a private room with television (only in Thai) a mini bar (empty) and an en suite which was about 1 square metre. I was also hooked up to a Dalek with a drip feed.

My mate rang and spoke to my wife and arrived to visit about 30 minutes later. He didn't bring any beer because my wife told him not to. However, another mate did so I at least had a few cans (bought from the hospital canteen).

I don't know how many of you have had gastroenteritis but I can assure that a frequent visit to the en suite is necessary. I am 1.93m (6' 4") tall and had to negotiate the Dalek into the minute toilet (door opening inwards) and then somehow maneuver myself into the appropriate position whilst in one helluva hurry. And this was required some 2 or 3 times per hour.

Luckily I received my discharge papers the following morning and was allowed to leave after paying the £90.00 bill.
Never had it, as far as I'm aware. I have however been in quarantine, along with an entire breakfast serving who came down with it to varying degrees.

Two days in a hotel, allowed to do nothing, wasn't fun.
Once. In the spring of 1988. It was caused by unrefrigerated sour cream in a restaurant. It was so widespread that the following Monday several businesses were closed due to illness. It was a small town.
I was very ill in Dubrovnik two years ago. But its hard to know if its food poisoning or just a stomach bug. It spoilt the holiday though.
As far as I can recall, I've never had food-poisoning. I've had a few stomach bugs over my nearly 70 years though but the only other times food had made me ill is when I have not been aware that it contains something I am allergic to. Seafood, bananas or raw celery are the usual culprits. If I eat eggs, I always make sure that the white is well-cooked. I don't particularly like soft-boiled or lightly fried eggs, so that has never usually been a problem. I always eat well cooked poultry/pork and make sure that lamb and beef/steak are medium to well done, whether they are fried, roasted, barbecued, boiled or stewed. I also occasionally still eat rabbit, venison or goat (or donkey.....), but if these are not cooked to my liking, I don't eat them.
As far as I can recall, I've never had food-poisoning. I've had a few stomach bugs over my nearly 70 years though but the only other times food had made me ill is when I have not been aware that it contains something I am allergic to. Seafood, bananas or raw celery are the usual culprits. If I eat eggs, I always make sure that the white is well-cooked. I don't particularly like soft-boiled or lightly fried eggs, so that has never usually been a problem. I always eat well cooked poultry/pork and make sure that lamb and beef/steak are medium to well done, whether they are fried, roasted, barbecued, boiled or stewed. I also occasionally still eat rabbit, venison or goat (or donkey.....), but if these are not cooked to my liking, I don't eat them.
Donkey? :eek:
The only time I ever had meat in the village in Greece where I was staying, the donkey had disappeared :). I also lived next door to a horse meat butcher in Germany - the meat was lovely once you got over the fact that you were eating horse.
I have had horse meat on my travels but not donkey! What does it taste like?
It was a very long time ago in the 1960s and it was well stewed with herbs. I can't really compare it with anything else but it was quite pleasant.
Bit like very tough beef in texture.
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