Where have all my lids gone?

I have whole sets that have disappeared. Lids and pots. Ive lost track of the number that ive bought over the years, yet I still only have a few in the cupboard, some minus they're lids. Its very annoying
I am convinced that I have a sock monster, a lid monster, and a pen and pencil monster. I can't find any of these items when I need them and they get lost forever. I need to take SatNav idea and just buy all matching socks, but there are 4 people living in my house and 4 different sizes. As for container lids, I just buy the disposable plastic containers that I can reuse and rewash, so if I lose the lids I can just throw everything away and it is not expensive.
I stack all of the plastic containers the same size together and put the fitting lids on top of them. This helps keep me from going through the aggravation of having to look all over the place for the lids. :wink:
how do you explain 1 knife and something like 8 teaspoons?

As for the white socks... bad idea. Ex officer springs to mind instantly or golfer. I guess that later is worse :)hyper:) and to be honest, I can not see them staying white very long I this household now my OH is doing the washing! I go with green woollen socks... and when it gets too warm for those, I have a few pink bamboo ankle socks... :eek: the sock monster has not found them yet for some reason.

the teaspoon crisis has been averted by ensuring the cutlery we have can be purchased individually and I have now done the same with our pottery. 80p a bowl from Ikea. Seemed a much better idea than the old stuff (pre cycling around the world when we had ££ to spare and didn't know how lucky we were) which was +£10 a bowl! :eek:

Did you accidently end up putting them in the bin? Im sure my kids that that as well. Blimey, im surprised I had any items left in my cupboards at all :laugh: now i come to think of it.
Did you accidently end up putting them in the bin? Im sure my kids that that as well. Blimey, im surprised I had any items left in my cupboards at all :laugh: now i come to think of it.
it is possible that a certain person I am married to does not check things well enough and they have found their way to the bin. the teaspoons and knives I think are definite victims of this!
I deal with the same situation. Always a bowl never a lid. Even colour coordination doesn't seem to help. Perhaps this is the solution to all our problem:

lol I wasn't seriously promoting it. It's just interesting that we have simplistic problems that should have simplistic solutions & yet it facilitates a situation where someone is making boatloads of cash. Such is the world.
The other lid issue in our house is the lids to our bidon/ sports bottles different types ,colours etc,I never find the right one,you get given some by sponsors etc and I never seem to throw them away as they all tell a story,they take up a shelf and half a draw with lids
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See, these attatched lids are all very well but where on earth do you find the extra storage space they will need. The only real reason we store our containers without lids is so they save space by "nesting". I'm not certain that there is a solution.
lol I wasn't seriously promoting it. It's just interesting that we have simplistic problems that should have simplistic solutions & yet it facilitates a situation where someone is making boatloads of cash. Such is the world.

No, no, I'm just saying don't buy it, because there is a catch to it. Boatloads of cash is right!!
They force you to buy a 2nd set, telling you that it's for free - yet, as the ad says, they want you to pay separate processing & handling. It's NOT for free! That is why I wait for stuff like this to come to the stores.
You are not forced to pay for extra S&H this way, and you can easily return the set if any of the pieces are defective, or if you just don't like it. :wink:
as I said I have no patience with lids at work and in my attempt to get some one else to do the task I asked them to label the container with the contents ,
The spelling is atrocious ,can you guess what's in there ,well it made me laugh and I had to take the picture


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I actually seem to have my Tupperware lid problem currently under control. But every six months or so I get so exasperated (it took me way to long to spell this word), that I have to clean out the cupboard and end up throwing a bunch of mismatches away. Now my problem is the kid's spoons. Granted we have the brand of plastic spoons called Toss N Go so they aren't horribly expensive. But I would still like to know where the spoons go and why the forks outnumber them so badly. I'm afraid of how many spoons we will find when we finally move out of this house.
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