Who has a Copper Mixing Bowl & Balloon Whip?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
4:25 AM
Brighton, MA.

Got this copper mixing bowl and balloon whip last year Amazon.com.

There is a small dent in the bowl, but I decided to keep it anyway!

There are some optional ones to fit the KA work bowls for their stand mixers, but they are too astronomically expensive - costing more than you'd pay for the mixers themselves!! This was the cheaper way out. :wink:
I've always fancied some copper mixing bowls, but they are a bit out of my league price wise. That one looks lovely.

The main problem with copper is that it often tarnishes, and it has to be cleaned when it does!
That is why I did not buy any copper cookware. Too much of it to clean requires either a 2nd (weekend) job or live-in help!! :eek:
cooper pans were all the thing years ago,with brass handles ,they had to be relined every few years,the memories of copper bowels are from a restaurant on the mont saint Michel in France ,they serve whipped omelettes ,they whip them to a rhythmic beat in a open kitchen,the cost of the dish is over 30euros a time but the restaurant is full of pictures of past dinners includes heads of state and film stars,
Actually, when wiped with a little vinegar & salt, copper helps provide a chemical reaction between its surface and the meringue, to give it body and volume when it is beaten, resulting in higher softer peaks. :wink:
Must admit though, that all of my Emerilware Stainless Steel cookware pots & pans all have a copper band around them at their bottoms. But I only clean them every now & then. :stop:
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