Who took THIS to school as a child?

I can remember taking just that and more! When taking sandwiches to school i couldn't just settled for taking a simple peanut butter sandwich' i had to add a few sausages,tomato slices ,and lettuce ; there was one time that i even used fried ripe plantains in my peanut butter sandwich. I love experimenting with food from i was a kid and as an adult i still do.
I used to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches all the time when I was a kid and I still love them to this day. As a matter of fact, I sent my fiance off to work with 2 PB and Js this morning. Peanut butter and honey sandwhiches was also an adored treat when I was younger. I make peanut butter and honey sandwhiches for my son all of the time.
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