Who's the better cook?


14 Apr 2015
Local time
8:49 PM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
I read an article today that got me thinking!


Basically, it's about couples where one of them is a successful chef...and how it is for the other partner when they cook for them!

It led me to wonder, if you're in a relationship - who is the better cook, you or your partner? Are there any things that one of you cooks overwhelmingly better than the other?

I would say that my husband is the master of breakfast foods, but I do a better job with dinners and desserts. Don't get me wrong, there are meals that he makes which are amazing, and he's certainly very competent in the kitchen in his own right! But breakfasts are where he shines!
Used to be him. Now its me! He is stuck in a rut and can only cook about two dishes. This is the bloke who had more cookery books than me and used to cook me Vietnamese curries, whole baked fish, exotic vegetable dishes and more when we lived in London. He''s lost confidence for some reason! :laugh:
My ex likes to cook, he worked in the restaurant industry. When he was home if I was cooking he would take my meal and start to add stuff to the meal which would completely change my meal. I really did not like him doing that, I finally gave up and would let him do the cooking. Now when he comes to visit he goes to the store to get what he wants to cook for the group. When you can't beat them join them. I can't say he is a better cook just a different type of food prepared by the two of us.
I say with all modesty that I am the better cook hands down. Truth of the matter is that it took my husband about 15 years before he started to cook and naturally once he started he felt he was better. I took it all as a joke but I am thrilled that he actually found his way in the kitchen and it's a reminder to 'never say never'...
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When I was married, I would say it was definitely me. Both of my husbands could cook one or two dishes and that was it. My sister's husband is a good cook though, and tends to do most of the cooking for the family. My sister likes to bake so she will do most of the desserts...but day to day cooking is usually his thing, or a combined effort.
Ms Duck claims that she is a hopeless cook, which is quite simply not true. She knows this and also knows that I know. This is merely a ruse to avoid doing any cooking. She is quite happy helping with preparation, chopping vegetables and so on, but then beats a retreat, usually claiming some urgent work on her doctorate or something similar. We have a complete understanding about the situation and since the arrangement works, there is no need to change it.
Me. My husband has certain dishes which he does better than I do because they need exact quantities, but he can't ad lib at all and can't substitute ingredients. He is also not great at adapting recipes for our tastes and unless he has a written recipe to follow forget it and even then that does not always help like the night before last. Our evening meal was sweet potato and corn chowder only he forgot to continue with the recipe after puréeing the soup. So there was no corn in the form chowder! :laugh:
None of us can cook well. When we were still busy with our own career, we eat breakfast outside lunch in the office pantry and dinner is almost always impossible. Now that I am starting on my own I am trying my best to learn how to cook. It is an essential skill for me to survive on my own.
I saw a recent DowntonAbbey where the butler was tricked into cooking and he learned it is not as easy as some people think it is. Don't complain when it does not turn out just so.
I would say that it is my husband. He enjoys it so much that I just kind of let him take over. I do enjoy cooking but he prefers his own cooking. I am not a critic though. It is just nice to have somebody else cook but he is very critical of everything that I cook so I just don't bother doing it as much as I use too. When I was with my kids' dad I did all the cooking when the kids were growing up and nobody every complained then. My cooking always received lots of compliments, now not so much.
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