Window sill sprout-along

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
8:41 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Have you tried sprouting shoots from peas, beans or other legumes? Baby shoots are very chic! I sprouted these pea shoots from dried marrowfat peas in my store cupboard (the sort used to make mushy peas). I just use an empty tray from fruit or vegetables and line it with kitchen roll. Soak in water and add your peas, water a little each day - and soon you will be rewarded. So if anyone fancies a sprout-along you can post your pictures in this thread!

The cost is negligible for a restaurant standard ingredient. There are some mung bean shoots mixed in here:


I used some if the pea shoots in this Crayfish Cocktail:

Goes with it being World Naked Gardening Day, I suppose!

As a word of warning - following the link will take you to a site that features nudity on its front page and there are no stars hiding anything!
I've also changed the colour of the link, so that you have to deliberately find it.
Goes with it being World Naked Gardening Day, I suppose!

As a word of warning - following the link will take you to a site that features nudity on its front page and there are no stars hiding anything!
I've also changed the colour of the link, so that you have to deliberately find it.
Do I want to see that? Is it good nudity or bad nudity?
Goes with it being World Naked Gardening Day, I suppose!

As a word of warning - following the link will take you to a site that features nudity on its front page and there are no stars hiding anything!
I've also changed the colour of the link, so that you have to deliberately find it.

Everyone here is going to look now (they probably wouldn't have done otherwise!). :laugh:
We used to sprout bean and pea shoots at school some 60+ years ago but I've never done it since. I do, however, have sprouting carrot tops and do the same with spring onions, turnip tops and beetroot tops for salads whenever I have them.
We used to sprout bean and pea shoots at school some 60+ years ago but I've never done it since. I do, however, have sprouting carrot tops and do the same with spring onions, turnip tops and beetroot tops for salads whenever I have them.
The sprouted beans and peas are packed with flavour and nutrition!
I still have four portions of frozen mushy peas left so it's not time to start another cook-in. And I'm not opening a kilo bag of marrowfats just to grow a few shoots. When I open the next pack I'll pass a few on to my wife for cultivation.
My sprouting carrot tops coming along nicely. I often chop them and use them instead of parsley.


BTW, the basil in the background is one of the supermarket pots I bought a couple of weeks ago growing nicely. That one pot should see me through the rest of the year (barring cat-astrophes :laugh:)
What are we growing? I need to get the winter veg planted, today was meant to have been the planting day, but like every other weekend, things did not go to plan and today was foiled by a slightly bigger issue than normal. I do have some basil growing on the kitchen window sill but no carrot tops, plenty of carrots mind you , I just grate the tops and the lot for the chooks.
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