Would Almond Milk make a smoothie too sweet?


11 Nov 2014
Local time
10:03 AM
I've got a lot more access to supplies and ingredients than I did before now, and also proper access to a decent blender. I've been making regular smoothies with strawberries, bananas, and milk; sometimes adding chocolate syrup. However, my siblings don't like the chocolate but I want to make the smoothie sweet rather than mild tasting and I can't add too many strawberries or the blender will Jam. I want to add almond milk instead of regular milk instead of using the extra chocolate. However, I'm worried if it'll be sweeter than the syrup.
Thanks! I'll try the next batch of smoothies I make for my siblings using unsweetened almond milk the first time. If it's not sweet enough for them that time, I can always move onto the sweet version of almond milk if it's not sweeter than syrup or chocolate! I'll probably also add a strawberry yogurt in as well since they seem to like strawberry ones and that'll take away from the blades vs. strawberries amount problem.
Almond milk is not that sweet. The strawberries shouldn't jam in the blender; if they do it means you need to add a little more liquid. Nothing on the planet is sweeter than syrup. If your siblings don't like chocolate, pour their smoothies out and then add a bit of chocolate to yours before you pour it from the blender. However, the idea of having a smoothie is to have something healthy so I'd suggest giving up the syrup and using powdered cacao. Fruit is plenty sweet on it's own, especially ones like bananas and watermelon.
I'll be honest, you might not like the flavor of unsweetened almond milk. I HATE it. It is almost undrinkable to me. Even the sweetened stuff isn't that sweet. I've been buying the Silk Almond/Coconut milk and it is bearable for cereal and overnight oats - and good in smoothies. Almond milk has a very strange flavor to me. It doesn't taste like milk, or almonds. It is just strange and sort of medicinal - bitter almost. And it is TERRIBLE in coffee. Omigosh. Heat that stuff up and it becomes toxic. :)

I have to be honest, I don't really understand the almond milk craze for anyone who isn't allergic to milk or lactose intolerant. I feel like a lot of people are switching because they believe it is healthier than milk, but it doesn't have as much protein and the fat in milk is like healthy fat.
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