Your Drinking Water

More and more people are are putting in bore holes on new builds,
Our familiy owns the old pump house in the village which has a well under it and would be a run off for artesian wells ,they are building a small housing development behind it and it will flood ,let the welly boot fest begin
We buy our drinking water. The water here is so full of minerals that it is pretty much undrinkable. We have refillable jugs. We go through between 10-15 gallons week bought at the reverse osmosis water station. It is $1 for every 5 gallons. We do use tap water for boiling foods as long as it will be drained off.
Now if we want to make beans, we buy actual bottled water. It just makes a better broth.
When we built our house (2000), there was already a bore hole on the land drilled and lined so we installed a surface suction pump to provide our water. There was virtually no pressure/supply from the so-called "Government water". For the bathrooms and outside taps the water was raw but we do have a filtration system under the sink for water in the kitchen. In 2012, we had "Government water" installed which replenishes a 1,000 litre tank (usually overnight when village usage is low) and from there we pump into the house.

Myself, I don't drink water other than in my one cup of coffee/day.
I live off water, other than my daily two cups of coffee made with 100% almond milk and a hot cocoa (also 100% almond milk) otherwise it is water all the time.

So I am happy that it has :rain:'ed overnight and refill the little tank a touch. I am trying to live off the little tank and keep/get the big one full. It would be really nice, however, to actually have a bore water tap in the house. Never mind. Can't win them all.
Beer and wine contain water, don't they? I suppose I drink more water than I first thought.:whistling:
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