Your favourite things that come in tins (cans)

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
6:03 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Tinned/canned food has a bad press but there are lots of reasons to use tinned goods. Not least, is that they have a very long shelf life and a lot of tinned food is also very cheap. In my opinion tinned food can be a great addition to a dish. With the current emphasis on 'fresh is best' tinned food is often seen as a cheap and inferior product. What do you think? Are there tinned foods you use a lot. Maybe there are some gourmet treats you like which come in cans.
As I don't have much money to spend on food, I would say my favourite types of foods that are tinned are 1. Tuna, 2. Tomatoes, 3. Sauerkraut, 4. all kind of beans (baked/kidney/white/black)

Edit: as a kid I loved canned ravioli, now that I'm grown up the only way I can imagine to eat one portion of canned ravioli is when there's some kind of civil war scenario or another panic
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Off the top of my head, I use canned tuna for tuna salad, canned chicken for chicken salad and for a quick chicken noodle soup, boiled peanuts, canned beans are a pantry staple, and canned tomatoes, usually either crushed or whole peeled.
This is my favourite tinned food:

Tinned sweet corn or corn kernels. Hear me out on this one. Would you rather get whole corn, shuck it, cook it, and then cut off the kernels OR just pop the can and drain the kernels before you make your Sunday cornbread? While I'm on the "corn" topic, I'll also throw in support for baby corn which is a nice addition to Chinese stir fry and I have only ever seen it sold in a can.

Also, as a resident of a hurricane-prone area, we stock up on canned goods every year in case of emergency.
Edit: as a kid I loved canned ravioli, now that I'm grown up the only way I can imagine to eat one portion of canned ravioli is when there's some kind of civil war scenario or another panic

I didn't know you had that in Germany. Its still sold here and was the only way I came across ravioli as a kid. Its nothing like the real thing!
I'll also throw in support for baby corn which is a nice addition to Chinese stir fry and I have only ever seen it sold in a can.

Its sold fresh here in the UK all year round. Imported from one of the following: The Gambia, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Thailand, Zambia. :ohmy:


boiled peanuts

I never heard of this. What are they and how do you use them?
Edit: as a kid I loved canned ravioli, now that I'm grown up the only way I can imagine to eat one portion of canned ravioli is when there's some kind of civil war scenario or another panic
When I was a kid, canned ravioli was a huge treat, better than just about anything.

Nowadays, I get the urge to have some every couple of years, so I buy a can, eat it, and think, “Never again!”

Then, a couple of years later, I hear the siren song once again. :laugh:

I never heard of this. What are they and how do you use them?
They’re still in the shell and packed in brine. I either eat them cold straight from the can or I heat them up first.
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