Your most detested food


30 Dec 2014
Local time
11:36 PM
Which foods do you really hate?

For me, it's peas. I know how popular they are but I really cannot stand them. I can't even bear to look at them on someone else's plate. It's a shame really, peas are a cheap and easy veg to serve. I have tried liking them, I really have, but I just can't do it.

What about you guys, what do you hate that everyone else seems to love?
I dont know why but I really dont like fruit cake. I find something weird in the taste.

Before I dont like to eat vegetables but now I love them, especially those green leafy spinach.
My most detested food would be liver and this stems from my childhood. Unfortunately, my mother wasn't a very good cook but made us eat her liver dinner once a week. It was horrible and I always wished we had a dog that I could give the scraps I am now in my 50's and have never eaten it since my childhood. I won't even cook it which ticks my roommate off because he loves it!
The food that I hated most are mussels. I know other people really love to eat this kind of seafood but for me I do not like its taste as well. Sometimes when I see the meat inside of its shell I am always thinking that it is dirty and dangerous to eat. But other members of my family like this very much. And they cook it only in a simple way sauteing garlic with butter then mix sprite soda and the mussels and chopped onion leeks. And its done and they said its delicious!
My most detested foods will always be chives, butter/margarine, cheddar cheese and pretty much anything overly creamy and sour! This has always been the case from a very young age. I used to even pretend to pack cheddar cheese in my lunch back in my elementary school days and always gave it away to a friend or whoever wanted it.

I find those foods really terrible and I am yet to be convinced otherwise!
It's probably not really considered a 'food' so to speak but my most detested food-like item is ketchup. It's just the worst to me. I cannot stand it. Ruiner of delightful treats. Disguising taste.
It's probably not really considered a 'food' so to speak but my most detested food-like item is ketchup. It's just the worst to me. I cannot stand it. Ruiner of delightful treats. Disguising taste.

I actually don't mind ketchup TOO much, so long as it's eaten with fried food, and mixed with sriracha or something similar. Where I'm from, a lot of people eat pizza with ketchup, which is just gross to me
I don't care for eggs, I may eat an egg once a month it must be covered in salsa or ketcup and cheese for me to eat it.
Some of the food mentioned above I really hate too, like mussels, fruitcake, and peas. I especially hate mushrooms as well. They are gross and taste like dirt to me. The texture of them cooked makes me want to gag. I have tried to aquire a taste for mushrooms since they are added to a bunch of different foods, but it is never going to happen I am afraid. My dad is the same way when it comes to mushrooms.
i will eat most for items if it is handled properly i.e. if liver is old i would rather eat a tramps sock,but i can't deal with is andouille sausage tried the best and the worst and all of it should be labeled unfit for human consumption
Some of the food mentioned above I really hate too, like mussels, fruitcake, and peas. I especially hate mushrooms as well. They are gross and taste like dirt to me. The texture of them cooked makes me want to gag. I have tried to aquire a taste for mushrooms since they are added to a bunch of different foods, but it is never going to happen I am afraid. My dad is the same way when it comes to mushrooms.

Fruitcake isn't really a food so much as it is a Frankenstein meant to get uninvited from everyone's Christmas or holiday parties. It works quite well for that & smashing someones windshield.
Raw tomatoes. Any sort. In any form. I can eat them cooked. I hate them raw
I cannot bear to be even in the same room as parmesan cheese, i hate it that much. It has the most awful stench which actually makes me feel ill, i have to make a quick exit from anywhere it is being served. Ironically one of my favourite dishes is spaghetti bolognese which traditionally has parmesan grated over it, there is no way i would ever use that ingredient.

I cannot eat any cooked vegetable either, i can eat them raw no problem but i cannot bear the texture of them after they have been cooked, I guess vegetables are better for you uncooked anyway.
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