Your real thoughts of McDonalds


16 Nov 2014
Local time
5:37 PM
Washington, USA
McDonalds is one of the most popular fast food restaurants here in the US and I am not sure why. The food is not that good at all, kind of like Starbucks and coffee, you are much better off going some place else where the food and service is better. If we are going to eat at a fast food place, we normally have Burger Kind because the food is more "real." What are your thoughts on McDonalds, can you take it or leave it?
I very seldom eat at McDonald's. At least I don't eat there on a day-to-day basis.

However, I DO like the McGriddle Breakfast Sandwiches and the Steak Egg & Cheese Bagel. My 11-year-old grand nephew told me about them last summer. he likes them! Once in a while, a Big Mac, or a chicken sandwich.

But that is in moderation. Too much indulging is not good. It's fast food, and most fast food in unhealthy in the long run!! :stop:
Well I have to admit I love McDonald's cheeseburgers. I used to really like Big Mac's too, but they seem to have gone down in quality from how I remember them as kid. Their fries are usually pretty good too. They have a very good value menu and you can feed quite a few people for not a lot of money, if you order solely off the value menu. So I have to say in general I do like McDonald's.
Err I actually can't tell you when I last went into one.... perhaps back in Bristol some time when I worked for an company in Epsom... that would make it around 15-20 years ago I think.
I guess I might be able to eat the chips in there... possibly.

Seems like a lot of money for what you get though - I can get a better portion of nicer chips from the local chippy though.
Well, with my new Hamilton Beach Breakfast Sandwich Maker, I don't have to buy the Egg McMuffin there now.
I can make them at home! I've stopped getting them there. :stop:
When they stop steaming and reheating the food, then maybe.
Last time I was in one, 23:50 10th December 1996, Liverpool.
I just about managed to finish what they called Tea. Manager refused to eat what was served up.

I always feel a "Falling Down, Whammy Burger" moment coming on when I see what people are willing to eat.
Most of the food there is cooked ahead of time, to meet the demands of the hungry crowds.
They couldn't possibly cook stuff to order unless by some chance they run out of a certain food item - hence fast food.

BK, Wendy's, Subway, Quizno's, Sonic, Arby's and the rest, they all do it that way. Otherwise, people, especially the kids would get mad and walk out if they didn't get their food within a reasonable time.
I've gone in there and asked that something like mayo be left off a sandwich, and had to wait a few extra minutes for the order to be customized to my liking. :stop:
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Have not been to a maccy ds for years,if needs must I would go to Burger King ,but as other high street operations spring up such as sushi or hand carved roast meat rolls ,I know where my choice goes
Even Burger King is unhealthy.
Even though their burgers are flame-broiled instead of being cooked on a griddle like MD's, there is still a lot to be desired healthwise.
Moderation is key. Those places are all about fast food fast. And fast food is not considered on the list as a healthy alternative for young kids.

I know this little boy who is only 4 years old, yet he weighs a monster 65lbs!!! He eats only fast food, potato chips, hot dogs & lollipops and he likes to drink sugary soda! I have yet to see him eat any veggies or fresh fruit. It is his mom's fault though, not his. I picked him up the other day just to see if I could lift him, and he put me in back-wrenching pain!! In this pic, he looks to be about 6 or 7, yet he's very big!!

Cute little boy, and healthy also, but the way that he's eating, he will be battling weight issues early in life!!

By the time he reaches 7 or 8, he'll probably weigh over 100lbs, or more!! He needs to be put on a diet, so that he won't get too big and lose some of that weight!!! It may just be baby fat, but it's never too early to get him into a weight loss program to get him to see & realize the errors of his ways. He will become set in his ways, and he won't be easy to convince or change!!! His out-of-control diet needs to be CURTAILED!!! :stop:
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View attachment 677 Even Burger King is unhealthy.
Even though their burgers are flame-broiled instead of being cooked on a griddle like MD's, there is still a lot to be desired healthwise.
Moderation is key. Those places are all about fast food fast. And fast food is not considered on the list as a healthy alternative for young kids.

I know this little boy who is only 3 years old, yet he weighs a monster 65lbs!!! He eats only fast food, potato chips, hot dogs & lollipops! I have yet to see him eat any veggies. It is his mom's fault though, not his. I picked him up the other day just to see if I could lift him, and he put me in back-wrenching pain!! In this pic, he looks to be about 6 or 7, yet he's very big!!

Cute little boy, and healthy also, but the way that he's eating, he will be battling weight issues early in life!!

By the time he reaches 7 or 8, he'll probably weigh over 100lbs, or more!! He needs to be put on a diet, so that he won't get too big and lose some of that weight!!! It may just be baby fat, but it's never too early to get him into a weight loss program to get him to see & realize the errors of his ways. He will become set in his ways, and he won't be easy to convince of change!!! His out-of-control diet needs to be STOPPED!!! :stop:
Fail to see what this has to do with any fast food, burgers or otherwise. It is 100% no excuses his parents fault. Same for fat adults but in this case it is their own fault. I must admit I get a little tired of being told I must pay a tax or some other rubbish on sweet / fatty / fast food simply because of stupid people. Nobody sticks a gun to their heads and makes them eat burgers and sweets 'till they explode.
As for Mc D then I must admit the burgers served at our local are pretty good and the chips [ok fries to you over the pond] are very good. Is it a wholesome healthy diet - NO. Is it ok for a bit of a treat occasionally - yes.
PS the coffee is ok too.
I did that to try to prove a point.

That fast food is not healthy for kids, especially children that young. Not on an everyday basis! Moderation is ok, but not part of their everyday lives!!

The title of this tread, after all, IS, Your thoughts about McDonald's, so I'm putting my 2 cents in. It is not a good thing for young children to eat on a day-to-day basis.

MD's and other fast food joints are mainly geared to attract young children, as well as teens, even though they sell some healthy foods, but I imagine that you haven't had their Chicken McNuggets as of late. They are so wicked salty!! And THIS is what is supposed to be good for the kids to eat?!! Hogwash!! :stop:
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I think there is not much harm in having an occasional McDonalds meal, but the problem is that most of their customers eat there regularly. Their food is high in fats, salt or sugar, all of which are unhealthy and addictive.

It's many years since I went into a McDonalds. I've never eaten a Big Mac and I hated their fries when I tried them.
I like McD, they're a necessary evil in my opinion. It's quick, relatively cheap, and it's really good if you're starving at 2am. I like their food, I'll admit it. Since McDonalds hasn't opened a store where I live (shocking, I know), I would sometimes visit it when I'm abroad.
Not a big fan myself. That has nothing to do with McDonalds though, I think their food is ok. But I just usually try to go away from the fast food stuff. 90% of the time I cook at home and if I do eat out I try to find a nice pub with some great food. Guess it really depends on where you live but often I find that pub food is just as good as restaurants but a lot cheaper and faster. Not as cheap or fast as McDonalds, but it's real food.
I don't do fast food, the food is not healthy. I will get french fries once in awhile from McD but not often. If I must eat at a fast food place I get a salad.
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