Your weakest area(s) of cooking expertise

Indian food, or any other type of food that uses a lot of spices. I love it so much, but I just don't have the adequate spice knowledge to cook it well. I'm French and at home with sprinkle our food with a pinch of spice, so I am not used at all to cooking with such large quantities of spices, so my Indian food is always way too bland. Also, there is a whole protocole with spices, they all need to be added at a special time of the recipe, some needs to be fried first, others shouldn't, and if you don't respect it it will not be good, trust me I've tried! But I keep trying because it is very interesting, and I improve a bit, so hopefully in a few decades I'll be able to cook a decent biryani!
Left hand right hand - that is an American Emily Post thing. Miss Manners. I learned to cut my food with the knife in my right hand, fork in left hand then switch the fork to the right hand to eat. My Aunt taught me many things that I treasure, how to set a dinner table, how to plan a menu, how to use a knife and fork according to Emily Post. I suppose if I were to attend a very formal dinner I would do the left hand, right hand thing. I am right hand dominate so I cut with my right hand and eat with my left. I do switch hands for soft foods. I will eat veggies, grains, soup, salad with my right hand.
I'm a very inexperienced baker (something I aim to rectify) and not having a sweet tooth, I have never really dabbled in desserts (the odd bit of cupcake making with my daughter).

There are other whole categories of food that I'm not very good at, but I would say my biggest weakness is efficiency in the kitchen and poor time/motion ability - it takes me ages to make things. Things that need to be done à la minute I totally suck at. I seem to be best at things that you stew and boil the cr*p out of for a long time.
Soufflés aren't as hard or fussy as they're made out to be. I can make a soufflé, so that tells you something right there.

Here's a video with Pepin demonstrating how to make a cheese soufflé without separating the eggs or anything. Takes minutes to put together, plus he'll show you how to make a butter rose for garnish.

I've made this several times:


Im trying this as well. Thanks,

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