Chill in the Air ? Your fave Soups ?


31 May 2017
Local time
3:56 AM
As the month of September brings us the beginnings of the Autumn Season on the 21st, there is a dip in the temperatures, and henceforth, we begin to once again prepare wonderful soups. Which are your faves ?

My faves are:
1) Navarre Cardoon...
2) Pasta e Fagiole ( with Chick Peas or Bortolli ) ..
3) Home made Venetian Minnestrone ..
4) Parsnip & Carrot with a sprinkle of allspice and curry ..
5) Manhattan Clam Chowder ..
6) Vichyssoise ..
7) Courgette (non cream) Creamed Soup ( I use 1 tiny potato to thicken all my soups, not dairy creamers).
I find garlic soup very warming. Unfortunately, it's not something we see in the UK, but it's commonly found in central and eastern Europe. I recall a very cold day in Prague where a bowl of garlic soup at lunchtime warmed us up very nicely and kept the engines running throughout the afternoon.


Wow .. La Sopa de Ajo Castellana is a true classic in The Castilla León Región of Spain ..

Very simple to make .. If you like smoked paprika, lots of garlic cloves, chicken broth or a ham hock or beef broth ( if Vegetarian, vegetable broth ), day old bread and an egg or 2, sunnyside up placed on top, & Extra virgin olive oil .. This soup dates back to the Inquisition and observance of the Lent .. (1490 - 1492). Of course it was not made with meat bones during this time, February through Easter Sunday .. They used wáter, garlic, roots, herbal leaves and herbs grown on the lands and pastures.

Have a lovely day and thanks for the feedback ..
I always think of mushroom soup in autumn. Another favourite in this house is leek and potato.
French onion soup with french bread and cheese on top is one of my go to soups in Autumn. I also make a chestnut and mushroom soup but that is usually at Christmas.


Yes, Ilike onion soup too ..

Which cheeses do you use for your onion soup ?
I use Swiss Raclette or Swiss Gruyere ..

Do you use more than one type of onion ?
I employ shallots, yellow onion, spring onions, called Cebolettas here and they are spherical in shape and dangle from long Green steims, and calçots
(pronounced Kal sots ), which is an indigenious Catalan spring onion with lots of dangling oval shaped onions on long green stems .. They are renowned here and have a feast or festive day ..

Got to run as it is getting close to 12am and I must get up very early ..
Thanks for the feedback and have a nice evening ..
On a more serious note, I had some seriously vigorous garlic soup in Bratislava. This one came with a bed of cheese that was a little threatening to cholesterol levels.

Further east, I've had borsch in Kyiv and St Petersburg. It's quite easy to find a vegetarian version in big cities like these, though maybe harder in rural areas. Borsch is not, as sometimes believed, beetroot soup, but soup made with beetroot. That is an important distinction.
I had some seriously vigorous garlic soup in Bratislava. This one came with a bed of cheese that was a little threatening to cholesterol levels.

A bed of cheese? Do you mean the soup was poured over cheese? I don't quite understand. But I'm now craving garlic soup!
Our chilly season is when the temperature drops to as low as 14 degC. Normally I'd look at beef stew and suet dumplings for sustenance during those times.

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