Media Albums


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
2:01 PM
Sorry, but I'm complaining again.

Inserting images from those recently uploaded into any personal album is quite quick as the images are usually on the first page.

However, if I wish to insert an image which I uploaded some time ago, I cannot go to the specific album but need to scroll through many images (depending upon when the initial upload occurred). At present I have almost 1,600 images in almost 150 albums which can take time to scroll through. If I search by album (I have a typed list on file) I am not able to upload one image but only the complete album.

Or am I doing it incorrectly?
Sorry, but I'm complaining again.

Inserting images from those recently uploaded into any personal album is quite quick as the images are usually on the first page.

However, if I wish to insert an image which I uploaded some time ago, I cannot go to the specific album but need to scroll through many images (depending upon when the initial upload occurred). At present I have almost 1,600 images in almost 150 albums which can take time to scroll through. If I search by album (I have a typed list on file) I am not able to upload one image but only the complete album.

Or am I doing it incorrectly?

Sorry - I'm going to leave this for SatNavSaysStraightOn to answer. I can't see a way round this.
Or am I doing it incorrectly?
There is no quick entry from using the camera icon for older images unfortunately. But there are options available.

By far the easiest option is to either know it have recorded somewhere the image media number (perhaps in excel with a list of your images, I think you have something like this already) or to go to the image in the media gallery and copy the code directly from there.

Then paste it into wherever it is needed.

So Option 1

Go to the media gallery and record the image media gallery number. This is available in 2 places. In this instance, the number I need to know is 36.



Or Option 2

Go to the relevant media gallery entry and click on the "copy" button icon to the left of the entry under "Copy GALLERY BB code". This will put a copy of the link onto your clipboard ready to paste into wherever you want the media image to go.


Both options now require you to input the required figure (or clipboard entry) to wherever you want the image.
The first option needs you to edit an entry once you know the number of the image you require.

[GALLERY=media, 4926][/GALLERY]

In this instance, I have randomly picked the first image in my galleries. I don't want image '4926', I want image '36'. So I just need to change the numbers. Edit the line above to read (you must do this before you post your reply).

[GALLERY=media, 36][/GALLERY]

It will now show image 36 after i hit post/reply (or would do i had not programmed it to show the code so you can see what I'm doing).

The second option is by far the easier of the 2. Just paste the contents of your clipboard to wherever you require the image. It should look like this until you hit the post button.

[GALLERY=media, 36][/GALLERY]

You'll just need to have more than one webpage or tab open to do this.
This is option 1 which was easy.

Option 2 isn't so easy (for me).

I am not able to spot the "copy" button. Is it available when viewing the whole album or when viewing the individual image?
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Option 2 isn't so easy (for me).

I am not able to spot the "copy" button. Is it available when viewing the whole album or when viewing the individual image?
The individual image.

I put a circle around it. It's the standard copy symbol, to the left of the text. (Or you can just select the text and copy that).

This is what is on my screen (individual image).

This is what is on my screen (individual image).

View attachment 46812
I don't want to state the obvious, but it should be below all of that and in desktop viewing mode (aka widescreen) off to the right.
I'm on a mobile device at the moment, and it is a very long way down...


I can look on a laptop tomorrow, health, pain and stamina withholding. Covid has meant I've lost my study and desk to the wage earner in this household :(
I'm on the laptop (1920 x 1080) and it's not to the left. It's well down on the right. I should have investigated further but I didn't. I now have it.


SatNavSaysStraightOn - did you discover why we don't appear able to delete "empty" albums in Media?
I wasn't aware (at least not that I can recall but that is saying nothing after 2020 had taken its toll on us all) that you couldn't delete them. That's probably a permissions issue but I don't know thay it can be changed to allow you to delete only your own. That is a laptop job... need the wider screen. Hubby has bagged both big screens for his work laptop :( but I should be able to navigate what's needed to look into that tomorrow.

Now just to remember that I need to look into it. I need an emoji that coughs into its elbow (Aussie thing, don't cough (or sneeze for that matter) into your hands. Has that reached anywhere else yet?)
Now just to remember that I need to look into it. I need an emoji that coughs into its elbow (Aussie thing, don't cough (or sneeze for that matter) into your hands. Has that reached anywhere else yet?)

Strangely enough, I've been sneezing into my elbow for years.

After giving up smoking 6 years ago, I hardly cough at all now.
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