Vegan Mayo.


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
1:16 AM
Brighton, MA.
Has anyone tried this yet? I wonder what it tastes like. Looks lighter than regular mayo!! What does it not have that's in regular mayo? :whistling:
No egg. Locally sources oils, that's hilarious, really lol. Most of Unilever's canola comes from Africa.

Made by Unilever and it's about cashing in on vegan products and don't give a rats butt about your health. It's Canola oil and it contains calcium disodium EDTA which is basically a chemical created from the combination of formaldehyde, sodium cyanide, and ethylene diamine used in spreads, salad dressing etc. as a preservative. I suggest to make your own and it takes 5-10 minutes and you get to consume egg yolk which has a plethora of healthy nutrients that the body actually recognizes and can absorb properly.
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It's not lighter, what makes mayonaise high in calories is the use of vegetable oil which is the main component in all mayonaise. The only difference is the lack of eggs in vegan mayonaise.
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