Recipe Almond Butter Mousse


Forum GOD!
12 May 2020
Local time
6:17 PM
Northeast Ohio
Almond Butter Mousse:

Well, I already had some homemade almond milk and homemade almond butter on hand, so I decided to turn it into a dessert: almond butter mousse. I looked online for recipes and couldn't find anything quite like this, so I just gave it a shot and it worked!

This light, airy dessert can be consumed as-is or used as a component for other desserts. It's dairy free, gluten free, and completely vegan!


1 cup almond milk
5 tbsp creamy almond butter
1/2 tsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
4 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract




I used a double boiler for this recipe just to be sure not to scald the almond milk and risk any unpleasant burnt flavors. Place all ingredients in the smaller pan and simmer the water in the larger pan on low, whisking gently until the mousse thickens to the desired consistency. Allow to cool down, then whisk for a few minutes longer. Store in covered container and keep in refrigerator until ready to consume or use.

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Top marks here for making your own almond milk & butter. Do you think it could be made with cornstarch (cornflour in UK) without the Xanthan gum? I am asking because I wonder what each contributes in terms of thickening agents and because, I suppose, that many folk wouldn't have Xanthan in their store cupboard.
Top marks here for making your own almond milk & butter. Do you think it could be made with cornstarch (cornflour in UK) without the Xanthan gum? I am asking because I wonder what each contributes in terms of thickening agents and because, I suppose, that many folk wouldn't have Xanthan in their store cupboard.
Thank you so much! I have entirely too much time on my hands, obviously.

I think it would turn out more like a pudding with cornstarch than it would as a mousse, so it would not be as light. I do not keep xanthan gum in my cupboard. I purchased it specifically for this. I didn't even have cornstarch or almonds on hand! However, now that I do, I am sure I can find a way to use them in future recipes.
Thank you so much! I have entirely too much time on my hands, obviously.

I think it would turn out more like a pudding with cornstarch than it would as a mousse, so it would not be as light. I do not keep xanthan gum in my cupboard. I purchased it specifically for this. I didn't even have cornstarch or almonds on hand! However, now that I do, I am sure I can find a way to use them in future recipes.
Jason if you’d like to try homemade almond milk yogurt you can use the xanthan gum to thicken the milk. It’s not super easy because xanthan gum is difficult to incorporate properly and you can only use a small amount. You can also use xanthan gum for improving ice cream texture.
Jason if you’d like to try homemade almond milk yogurt you can use the xanthan gum to thicken the milk. It’s not super easy because xanthan gum is difficult to incorporate properly and you can only use a small amount. You can also use xanthan gum for improving ice cream texture.
Thanks, Lissa! I will have to give it a try sometime.

Hey I just wanted you to know that I am a she, not a he, and my username is JAS (my initials) and OH (for Ohio). I know it kinda looks like JASON instead of JASOH, LOL! In hindsight I probably should have put a space in between the JAS and the OH or maybe just chosen a different username, hahaha!
Thanks, Lissa! I will have to give it a try sometime.

Hey I just wanted you to know that I am a she, not a he, and my username is JAS (my initials) and OH (for Ohio). I know it kinda looks like JASON instead of JASOH, LOL! In hindsight I probably should have put a space in between the JAS and the OH or maybe just chosen a different username, hahaha!
Ups!:oops: Thank you for clarifying!
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