Recipe Apple And Savoy Cabbage Potato Cakes


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
12:31 AM
Apple and Savoy Cabbage Potato Cakes.jpg

2 Large Baking Potatoes
3-4 Savoy Cabbage leaves (peel off the nice dark outer leaves to use)
1 Bramley Apple
1 tspn Fennel Seeds
1 tblspn Gluten Free plain flour
Olive Oil for frying
Splash Water
Nutritional Yeast and Chives(optional topping)

Peel the potatoes, roughly chop and then boil or steam them until soft. You can leave the skin off for a more rustic finish but this time I peeled them. Once soft enough to break apart when pressed with the back of a fork, drain them and mash them. In a frying pan drizzle a small amount of oil. Slice/ shred your cabbage leaves and peel and chop the apple.
Add to the pan with the fennel leaves and a small splash of water and cook until the cabbage is wilted and slightly caramelised.
Once cooked mix the cabbage and apple into the mashed potato with the flour and some salt and pepper. Shape into 6-8 cakes and place in the fridge for an hour to allow to firm up.
When ready to serve drizzle a little oil into a frying pan and cook in batches for about 5 minutes on each side until golden brown and crispy.
Serve hot topped with a sprinkle of nutritional yeast and some chopped chives.
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What is 'nutritional yeast'? Ok I'll look it up on google... ok - I never came across this before. OK back after looking it up. Its a vitamin B supplement. I'll order some to try.
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What is 'nutritional yeast'? Ok I'll look it up on google... ok - I never came across this before. OK back after looking it up. Its a vitamin B supplement. I'll order some to try.

Thanks for saving me the time to check what nutritional yeast is. At the risk of sounding like a dumbbell I have just a little trouble understanding what this "splash water" means here. I guess I understand what is meant now I have read the recipe through. Did you mean leave the skin ON for a more rustic look?
I also think to add cod or what we call salt fish to this would make it divine. Morning Glory, I am anxious to see your creations.
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What is 'nutritional yeast'? Ok I'll look it up on google... ok - I never came across this before. OK back after looking it up. Its a vitamin B supplement. I'll order some to try.

I've heard a lot of vegans use nutritional yeast as a substitute for cheese! I've never seen it sold in stores, though - might be a health shop only thing.
I've heard a lot of vegans use nutritional yeast as a substitute for cheese! I've never seen it sold in stores, though - might be a health shop only thing.
They seem to sell it in the major supermarkets here! I think it must have a bit of a marmite taste perhaps as its B Vits.
I also think to add cod or what we call salt fish to this would make it divine. Morning Glory, I am anxious to see your creations.
Be careful about putting fish with apples. Its not a combo known to work! As for my creations, I'm working on Cabbage Five Ways :laugh:. Not really. I've got a few ideas but I have to make them and photograph them before I can post them.
Thanks for that heads up about the apple Morning Glory. I think I was thinking more potatoes and cod doing well together than anything else. No worries. I am prepared to wait. You know I loooove the photos. I tried something with my cole slaw with purple cabbage but I am not loving it and I seem to have messed up things trying to get my acceptance speech uploaded.
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