Recipe coke pork ribs


Regular Member
22 Aug 2021
Local time
5:23 AM
hi there
Today I recommend one of the most popular Asian dishes recently, Cola pork Ribs.Coke used as a material to cook the meat is unexpectedly delicious

The specific method will be added later.

Here are the ingredients that need to be prepared
Fine ribs (500g)
Noodle Soda (about 2g)
Lemon (half)
Ginger (1 small piece)
Shallots (2 stalks)
Star anise (1 piece)
Cinnamon (1 small piece)
Bay leaf (half a piece)
Rock sugar or sugar (about 50 grams)
Coke (1000 grams)
salt (according to personal preference)
wine/rice wine/chinese cooking wine (about two spoons)
Light soy sauce (about three spoons)

If you really like this, then you must try it yourself. It is much cheaper than take-out. You save lot of money and the taste is way more controllable.
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I've seen Coca Cola used in cooking, but with beef.
Cool! What’s ‘noodle soda’ please? I’ve been looking for a recipe that uses Coke and want to try this.
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