Dairy Free Ice Cream


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
8:58 PM
SE Australia
Over Christmas my local supermarket started to stock a new brand of dairy free ice cream.
Up until now I had been limited to their dairy free sorbets, but they now have an almond milk ice cream. I haven't been able to find out what flavours they stock because I'm still bed bound and my husband is doing the shopping but to date vanilla and a Praline crunch have turned up in my dessert bowl and I have to say they were both exceptionally good!



Definitely worth trying if you are looking for a vegan option. I have yet to try the chocolate version to compare it against my absolute favourite (remortgage house to afford) Booja Booja ice cream but it is yummy and sadly nothing locally stocks my favourite!

Iv'e been freezing bananas and using that as a base for raw ice cream. I add berries to the mix Or pineapples. My children love it. I also add some Moringa Leaf powder in there with some chia seeds. We turned a unhealthy snack into a very healthy one.
Iv'e been freezing bananas and using that as a base for raw ice cream. I add berries to the mix Or pineapples. My children love it. I also add some Moringa Leaf powder in there with some chia seeds. We turned a unhealthy snack into a very healthy one.
Sadly bananas and I don't get on, and with me off my feet, my husband is in charge of the shopping and cooking... But it is good to see the range increasing!
This sounds like a yummy healthy blend. I have seen some healthy ice creams in the local supermarket but I have only tried about one and that has been a long time ago. My husband has been doing most of the grocery shopping for a few months well. I only pick up the odd thing from the smaller more limiting mini marts.
Great share, I must try it one day when I find it. I have had some vegan chocolate ice cream before and it tasted okay, it was when it was so hot one day so to be honest anything cool tasted good. Hopefully it will become more popular and the price will become more affordable.
If you're ever able to find it coconut bliss it's really good. I've tried the naked coconut and dark chocolate flavors because that's all my grocery store stocked and they were amazing. They have a ton of other interesting flavors that I haven't tried but look so good like brownie and salted caramel!
Sadly bananas and I don't get on, and with me off my feet, my husband is in charge of the shopping and cooking... But it is good to see the range increasing!
Well you don't have to use bananas as a base, you can use mangoes, Papayas, or anything that well thicken up when frozen, but if it's not a sweet fruit you will have to add sugar. I also make raw ice cream with cashews and it taste so good.
Oh, that is great news. I am lactose intolerant and usually settle for sherbert because ice cream obviously doesn't sit well with me. I will have to check this out.
Wow this sounds like such a delicious substitute to the usual full creamed ice-creams! I have tried freezing mangoes and having them as iced Popsicle and have to admit that they are really not half bad.... It's a cheaper, healthier more convenient way of enjoying dessert.
Another idea that I have always wanted to play around with was freezing strawberries and sprinkling a bit of sugar on them. Who know this might actually turn out to be a good dessert idea too.

Thank you for the share, these ice-creams are perfect for people like me with dairy issues.
I tried almond dream when they were on sale and it was really good. I don't eat a lot of ice cream but I liked that it was actually lighter on the calories while still tasting like a really high quality ice cream.
Swedish glacé is amazing, and also, if you have tried booja-booja ice cream and not the truffles, I explore you to seek nothing else until you find them!
One person made a comment about banana ice cream, I do this regularly, as I can have it for breakfast and feel amazing and not guilty, I know it sounds weird, but the texture of the bananas once they have been frozen and then blended is identical, no joke, to dairy ice cream. You do need a high power blender for this though, your at risk of breaking a normal blender, I have only ever done it with a normal blender and I think it's wore down the motor. You also need to make sure your bananas are ripe and spotty before you freeze them to get maximum glucose (glucose is the thing that makes it all stiff and gloppy like dairy ice cream).
If you want to make this extra special, put cacao in when you blend, and the cacao nibs in afterwards, divine! Strawberry also work very well when blended together with this, although don't add berries in afterwards, as they will just freeze.
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