Do you cook because you have to, or because you want to?


Über Member
8 Feb 2017
Local time
2:09 AM
Northamptonshire, England.
Do you cook because you have to, or because you want to?
Is it a chore or a pleasure?

Personally, I enjoy cooking, and the results. Mrs Pete, bless her, is not much good at cooking (lots of other things, yes, but certainly not cooking!!! :whistling: )

Now, with the children having flown the nest, whose meals I usually prepared, I still do all the food in the house, loving it when friends and family come over.

I have to cook. As in, I have to play in the kitchen. I get a little restless when we travel, since so many meals are taken in restaurants. If someone else would do the cleaning/laundry/bill paying/etc, I would be happy as a clam at high tide if all I had to do was shop for food and cook food. The person doing all the rest is welcome to clean up after me when I'm done, too.
Both. I like and have to cook for us (hubby cooks too thus is a big help) and friends and sometimes cooking during the weekend (when I have time and feeling) mini-pizzas or muffins for the old people who live near us and they are alone and also make biscuits or tarts for the orphans of "villaggio dei bambini". However on Sunday we go sometimes to my parent's to have lunch and I bring something I've cooked home-made to avoid mom make the whole meal on her own.
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I would be happy as a clam at high tide if all I had to do was shop for food and cook food
Me too - I now try to say in self catering if I go on holiday so I can cook. I'm not so keen on the shopping side - too much time trekking around supermarkets. I do most of the food shopping on-line.
Both. I love it when I have time. I often plan leftovers for when I know I won't have time and there is usually a pot or two of something in the freezer.

We rarely eat out these days due to finances (another good reason to experiment with food) but occasionally get (gluten free) fish and chips and mushy peas.
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